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Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2017 : 09:06:54 AM
I am consistently receiving an error whenever I work on my UE4 project after around 10 minutes or so, usually after trying a "Toggle Code/Header command."
While Visual Studio doesn't crash, I have to restart Visual studio to get any VA functionality working again.
In the ActivityLog.xml file, I get the same error every time:
System.InvalidOperationException: BuildWindowCore failed to return the hosted child window handle.
at System.Windows.Interop.HwndHost.BuildWindow(HandleRef hwndParent)
at System.Windows.Interop.HwndHost.BuildOrReparentWindow()
at System.Windows.Interop.HwndHost.OnSourceChanged(Object sender, SourceChangedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.SourceChangedEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.PresentationSource.UpdateSourceOfElement(DependencyObject doTarget, DependencyObject doAncestor, DependencyObject doOldParent)
at System.Windows.PresentationSource.OnVisualAncestorChanged(DependencyObject uie, AncestorChangedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.UIElement.OnVisualAncestorChanged(Object sender, AncestorChangedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Media.Visual.ProcessAncestorChangedNotificationRecursive(DependencyObject e, AncestorChangedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.Media.Visual.FireOnVisualParentChanged(DependencyObject oldParent)
at System.Windows.Media.Visual.AddVisualChild(Visual child)
at System.Windows.Media.VisualCollection.ConnectChild(Int32 index, Visual value)
at System.Windows.Media.VisualCollection.Insert(Int32 index, Visual visual)
at System.Windows.Controls.UIElementCollection.InsertInternal(Int32 index, UIElement element)
at System.Windows.Controls.UIElementCollection.Insert(Int32 index, UIElement element)
at WholeTomatoSoftware.VisualAssist.NavBar.VaCodeWindowMargin.a(IWpfTextViewHost A_0, Boolean A_1)
at u.a(Object A_0, EventArgs A_1)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Utilities.GuardedOperations.RaiseEvent(Object sender, EventHandler eventHandlers) |
Edited by - jeevcat on May 08 2017 09:08:56 AM |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2017 : 12:59:58 PM
Can you please go to:
VA Options -> System Info -> Copy Info
and paste the details (from the clipboard) into your reply. This will give us the basic information about your setup.
Are you getting an actual error message when this problem happens? If so, what is that error message?
How are you triggering the toggle code/header command? Via the keyboard shortcut Alt-O, or some other method?
Can you please try going into the dialog:
IDE tools menu -> Extensions and Updates...
and find Visual Assist in the list of installed extensions, and then Disable VA. This will require an IDE restart. Then please go back into this dialog and Enable VA, again requiring an IDE restart. Does this make any difference do this problem? |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2017 : 3:23:07 PM
Thanks for the reply. Here is my System Info:
License: trial
VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2217.0 built 2017.04.26
DevEnv.exe version 15.0.26403.7 Community
msenv.dll version 15.0.26403.7
Comctl32.dll version 6.10.16188.1000
Windows 10 10.0 Build 16188
8 processors (x86-64, WOW64)
Language info: 1252, 0xc09
Platform: Project defined
Stable Includes:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.15063.0\ucrt;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\NETFXSDK\4.6.1\include\um;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\include\shared;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\include\um;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\include\winrt;
Other Includes:
Stable Source Directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.15063.0\ucrt;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\NETFXSDK\4.6.1\include\um;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\include\shared;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\include\um;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\include\winrt;
I'm triggering the toggle code/header command with the Alt-O shortcut. Everything usually works correctly until about 10-30 minutes of working, before I get an error and then everything stops working. I don't think the Alt-O causes the problem, but just an indication that something crashed earlier. I can no longer type properly, I can't do rename refactors, the Find References box is empty after a find references search.
I tried doing a disable and a re-enable. Tried reinstalling. This didn't make a difference to the issue.
It only appears to have started happening since I upgrade to Visual Studio 2017. I'm seriously thinking about going back to 2015, but it isn't easily available on the Microsoft website any more.
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2017 : 3:26:40 PM
Here is the exact error message I get from Visual Studio, although it really doesn't offer much information quote:
An exception has been encountered. This may be caused by an extension.
You can get more information by examining the file '...\VisualStudio\15.0_f06e5b6d\ActivityLog.xml'.
Edited by - jeevcat on May 08 2017 3:26:56 PM |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2017 : 11:01:37 AM
The exception message is familiar, but I am used to seeing this when you first load the IDE or load a solution. In this case, disabling VA and enabling VA fixes this problem. Obviously this is not working here.
Are you launching VS2017 via the Unreal Editor, or are you loading the IDE and opening the project directly?
When you say you cannot type properly, do you mean there is actually a problem typing? Or just a problem with the VA listboxes no longer appearing due to this exception?
Do you have any other extensions installed, or just the default list of extensions?
Have you tried looking for updates to VS2017, or possibly doing a repair, via the installer? This should be a lot quicker than trying to go back to VS2015. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2017 : 01:48:24 AM
Thanks again for your quick reply.
I'm opening Visual Studio directly from the sln file, and then launching the UE4 editor from Visual Studio sometimes with debugging, sometimes without.
The typing issue means I actually can't type where I want to. Usually ( and . buttons don't have any effect, or start moving the cursor backwards. Then when I restart the editor to fix this, I end up having a bunch of . or ( characters in a random file which I wasn't working on previously. It's very strange behaviour.
I have no other extensions installed whatsoever, and try to disable default extensions that I don't need like "ASP.NET and Web Tools".
Every day I check for updates to VS and VX, hoping to find a bugfix that resolves the issue.
Is there anything else I can do to help find the cause of the issue?
From the original error message, it looks as though VA is having problems adding a UIElement to the NavBar. I tried disabling the VA Navigation Bar, but this didn't seem to help. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2017 : 1:05:35 PM
Not being able to type, it sounds like all of your typing is "working", but the screen / editor is not being updated, so you cannot see the changes. When this happens, is the code file marked as modified - a * added to the end of the file name? When you reload the IDE, do the random characters that appear look like they came from your typing while nothing was showing? Or does it look like your typing went to random and unexpected places?
As a first test, can you please try Not loading the Unreal Editor, and see if this makes any difference? This does assume that you are able to work for 20 minutes or so without loading Unreal Editor. I am just trying to eliminate a variable if possible.
Next time this problem happens, can you please grab a mini dump of devenv.exe in this broken state. This will hopefully give us more information that just the log details that you currently have.
You may find this page, explaining how to get a mini dump, helpful:
Please submit the mini dump via the form:
including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up.
Another thought, if you go into the VA options dialog, and turn off every single option that you can turn off, does this make any difference? I would recommend exporting your VA settings before trying this though, simply to save you having to reset all of these settings manually.
You can do this via:
VA Options -> Performance -> Export Settings |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2017 : 2:04:11 PM
Thanks again for the response.
I randomly moved around my code, using Alt-G to navigate, and switching headers and source for about 10 minutes until I could cause the problem to occur. I managed to save a minidump which I'll submit after writing this post. The error occurred from a fresh load of the sln from a newly launched instance of VS. I hadn't compiled or launched my UE4 project using debug or non-debug.
I will try the procedure you mentioned to turn off all settings next.
Thanks for your help.
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2017 : 2:34:47 PM
I wasn't able to easily produce the error with all settings disabled. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2017 : 3:25:41 PM
We have the mini dump, many thanks for this:
Unfortunately it is not actually helping, since the exception was the interesting thing, and it has already happened by the time you caught the mini dump.
Thank you for trying turning off all VA settings, that is interesting. Are you working locally or remotely, via some form of remote desktop connection?
Are you working with a single monitor, or multiple monitors?
Since turning off all VA settings helped, and the exception, I am guessing this is related to VA trying to draw to the screen. So remote desktop or multiple monitors become possible factors.
With your normal VA settings, can you please try downloading ProcDump:
load the IDE and your solution, then open a command prompt and run the following command:
procdump -e devenv.exe
this should write out a mini dump as soon as an unhandled exception happens in the IDE, so the minidump should appear at the same time as the message does, hopefully giving us more information about the problem.
If you have the time, can you see if you can reproduce this problem with a new, fairly default game project created via Unreal Editor? If so, would you be able to send me the test project and your VA and IDE settings, so I can try to reproduce the problem here?
I am assuming that getting a copy of your main game project purely for testing is not an option. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2017 : 07:17:12 AM
Thanks for the continued support. I managed to get a dump file when VS completely crashed. Using procdump as you described didn't actually write out a minidump when the exception occured (I think -e only breaks on unhandled exceptions, and I think VS is handling the exception). I'm experimenting with a few other commandline options (like -f extension, to make procdump break when the exception's code/name contains 'extension').
Should I upload the dmp file in the same way to through the contact form? This one is ~70 MB. |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2017 : 07:23:31 AM
In response to your other questions: I'm not working remotely using a remote desktop connection or any kind of VM, etc. I only have 1 monitor. Very standard setup. I'm running the latest version of VS 2017 on the latest Insider build of Windows 10 (10.0.16193).
From what I can tell from the error message, it looks like it might have something to do with a reference to the main window being lost, or perhaps accessed by more than 1 thread at once. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2017 : 08:04:48 AM
Yes, please do upload the mini dump, either via the same form, or by replying to the bug tracker email you should have received for your first mini dump submission.
Is there any obvious pattern to why or how you managed to get a full crash this time?
If you have the time, can you please try the following test to try and get a mini dump on the exception. First load VA2017 and open your Unreal project as normal.
Now open a second instance of VS2017, and go to:
Debug menu -> Attach to Process... (Ctrl-Alt-P)
For the "Attach to:" section, use the "Select..." button to select both "Managed (v4.6, v4.5, v4.0)" and "Native" then select "devenv.exe" from the list of running processes and press the Attach button.
Once the second IDE is attached, please use:
IDE Debug menu -> Windows -> Exception Settings
to show the exception settings window. In this window, first turn Off all exceptions, via the top level tick boxes. Now filter / search the exceptions for "InvalidOperationException" and turn on just the exception:
this should then only break the running IDE when this exception is thrown.
Now go back to the Unreal project, and see if you can reproduce the problem. If we are lucky the IDE will be stopped when the exception is thrown, allowing you to save out a mini dump of VS2017 at the moment of the exception. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2017 : 05:29:56 AM
In an effort to fix the problems I've been facing. I completely uninstalled Visual Assist by following the instructions here, before reinstalling.
This has helped, and I'm experiencing far fewer issues. However, I did again receive the error today, so I'm currently working with the debugger attached, and we'll see if I can catch an error.
I'll upload a new minidump as soon as I get something. |
Edited by - jeevcat on May 17 2017 05:30:33 AM |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2017 : 07:42:00 AM
I have responded to the bugtracker email with a minidump I managed to generate. Unfortunately, setting InvalidOperationException as the only Exception to break on didn't work. I ended up selecting all Exception types, and then manually skipping breaks until I found one related to VA_X.dll. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2017 : 09:13:34 AM
I have the mini dump, many thanks for this, I have asked our developers if they can tell what is going on, based on this dump.
I am glad that uninstalling and reinstalling VA helped, even though it didn't completely fix the problem. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this sooner rather than later.
A slightly random question, do you have:
VAssistX -> Code Inspection (beta) -> Enable Code Inspection
turned On or Off? I don't see how this would be a factor, given the exception you are seeing, but it has come up in a few other crashes, still being a Beta feature. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 17 2017 : 09:28:59 AM
Thanks for the help. I look forward to their feedback.
I don't have code inspection enabled. I saw that it wasn't enabled by default and was marked as beta so I left it off. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - May 18 2017 : 07:04:15 AM
Thank you for the update, at least this is one factor eliminated. Hopefully the mini dump will point us in the right direction. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2017 : 11:36:42 AM
In my frustration I reinstalled Windows and also reverted to VS 2015. Unfortunately, neither of these things worked.
I'm not longer getting the old error message, but VA will stop working correctly not too long after loading the project (~10 min). I can verify that VA has silently crashed when the "Quick Actions and Refactoring" menu is empty except for "Edit refactoring snippets". Usually not too long later, VS will crash and restart. This causes a long VA reparsing process.
It must either be my project or the Windows Insider build that I'm using which consistently causes this issue, because it wasn't a problem in the past. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2017 : 1:33:57 PM
Are you able to grab a mini dump when the IDE crashes? I know this is not the first sign of trouble that you see, but it is a well defined point, so hopefully a useful start point.
For the very long parse when you reload your solution, does turning Off:
VA Options -> Performance -> Parse all files when opening a project
make any difference here?
Have you installed any other extensions, or is it just VA you have added to the IDE? |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2017 : 2:18:51 PM
I just turned on the option for not parsing on startup. Hopefully that helps with time spent after frequent crashes.
No other extensions at all. I uninstalled all extensions that are installed by default that I didn't need (e.g. ASP.NET etc).
Earlier this week I sent another minidump that I managed to grab to your developers, but not response yet. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2017 : 3:16:25 PM
Unfortunately we are still trying to get a handle on what is going wrong here.
How did you uninstall these default extensions?
In the Extensions and Updates dialog for VS2017, there is an "Uninstall" button on the ASP.NET extension, but it is always disabled. I can disable this extension, but doing so, and restarting VS2017 still leaves the uninstall button greyed out. So I am wondering if somehow what you did here could be a factor. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Whole Tomato Software
2817 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2017 : 4:43:57 PM
I'm having trouble following all of the threads. Do you prefer to communicate via email or via this thread? |
Edited by - sean on May 24 2017 4:44:13 PM |
Whole Tomato Software
2817 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2017 : 4:47:10 PM
>Earlier this week I sent another minidump that I managed to grab to your developers, but not response yet.
So far as I can tell, every mail we have received from you has been responded to. You should have 5 emails from me via our support system. I have another to send and will mark it as #6. |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2017 : 11:16:01 AM
Hi sorry! Looks like all your replies are being sent to Junk. Might be best to respond here then.
Sean you wrote:
quote: Has Visual Studio reported the "System.InvalidOperationException: BuildWindowCore failed to return the hosted child window handle" error ActivityLog.xml since installing 2217.8?
Since installing .8 I have no longer received that error at all. However, the symptoms are still the same. Usually after debugging our Unreal Engine project or working for some time, VA will stop working correctly. Many weird things start happening. Quick Actions menu might be empty. Goto (Ctrl-Click) doesn't do anything, or might move the cursor 1 line down (??). Various VA UI elements are sometimes blank (settings menu, "Find References" results box). Intellisense comboboxes are completely white and empty. Usually not long after noticing these symptoms, VS will crash and restart.
In an effort to try and catch an exception I enabled all exception types, and sent the minidump of the one which the Call Stack contained something to do with VA_X.dll or VA_Package (or something similar).
Unfortunately, setting "System.InvalidOperationException" as the only exception never caused a break.
Thanks again for the help guys! What else should I try? |
Whole Tomato Software
2817 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2017 : 11:59:45 AM
The next time VA starts to stop working, please do the following: - enable VA logging - start another instance of VS and attach the debugger to the bad instance - in the debugger, do not stop on first chance exceptions - go back to the bad instance - execute alt+o in the open file - wait 3 seconds - execute alt+o again (to maybe return to the previous file) - go to the debugger instance and capture a no-heap minidump - go back to the bad instance and continue trying to work - when VS crashes, the debugger will get focus and report an exception - capture a no-heap crash dump at that time
Send both dumps and va.log back referencing case 107979 in the subject.
Also note how much memory is being used by Visual Studio at the time that the problems start in case that is related.
Edited by - sean on May 25 2017 12:01:56 PM |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2017 : 1:01:26 PM
Thanks for the specific instructions. I followed the procedure, and have emailed all three files to [email protected], as a reply.
Looks like it crashed on InvalidOperationException, after all. Thanks again for the help. |
Whole Tomato Software
2817 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2017 : 1:50:48 PM
Thanks, we are investigating. Earlier in the thread you mentioned that you had not changed the default Code Inspection state, but it appears that Code Inspection is running. Did you turn it on? |
Whole Tomato Software
2817 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2017 : 2:07:48 PM
The "InvalidOperationException BuildWindowCore failed to return the hosted child window handle" in the crash dump is interesting because though in the first one you reported VA was clearly in the callstack, VA is not in this crash callstack. The first one you sent in was caught and reported by Visual Studio because it occurred in an extension. VS isn't catching this one because it is not happening in an extension.
Have you tried running without VA installed to see if the trouble continues or goes away? |
Senior Member
39 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2017 : 2:34:30 PM
I think I may have enabled Code Inspection since installing VS 2015. I had it disabled in 2017.
I'm uninstalling VA now, and I'll see if I run into any crashes. I'm almost certain its related to VA though. It'll be tough to work without the great features I'm used to with VA... |
Whole Tomato Software
2817 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2017 : 2:43:12 PM
Sorry, I should have been more detailed. In the future, rather than uninstall, you can disable Visual Assist in Tools | Extensions and Updates. It still requires a restart cycle, but you don't have to completely remove it. |
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