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 VAX 2024.4 locks up VS 2022 17.9.7 - Create Impl
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Senior Member

35 Posts

Posted - Jun 04 2024 :  2:12:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just installed the latest build and VAX locks up VS if I use the create implementation option for an unimplemented function.

I did a capture of the locked up state and the VAX ConsumerParserThread is slammed.

It really feels like there's been some major regression or crash or broken feature with all of the last few releases :(

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19078 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2024 :  08:07:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does this happen everywhere, or does it seem to be file or project specific?

I have just double checked this here, and Create Implementation works just fine for me. I have tried a few different situations.

Given the other thread you have just posted, would you be able to reduce your monitors refresh rate to 60Hz to see if this has an effect? I have no reason to assume there is a connection, but since you are seeing two serious bugs at once, I wonder if there could be a connection.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Senior Member

35 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2024 :  1:31:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay so updating VS from 17.9.7 to 17.10.1, seems to have fixed the issue.

It was happening everywhere in the solution. This seems to be tied to the VS version, since I tried a bunch of things yesterday (clearing VAX cache, etc...) and it was always crashing.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19078 Posts

Posted - Jun 06 2024 :  08:25:03 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I still have VS2022 version 17.9.6 under Windows 10 on one of my test systems, running VA 2520. I have just run through 30+ test cases for Create Implementation, and all of them ran correctly, no problems and no crashes.

No high refresh monitor though, although that doesn't seem to be an obvious trigger.

So it isn't as simple as automatically breaking on this version of VS2022. It is possible, but seems unlikely, there is a serious change between VS2022 versions 17.9.6 and 17.9.7

So this suggests the trigger lays somewhere else, but unfortunately doesn't actually offer any clues as to where to look *sigh* So its possible the problem will come back again, although I hope not. But if it does, any clues you can offer would be appreciated, since so far I am not seeing any signs that Create Implementation is completely broken.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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