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 $selected$ Snippet re-appear Even deleted
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Tomato Guru

345 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2025 :  10:16:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
vs2022 x64, 10.9.2528

delete all selected items with "$selected$"

But auto-restore after restart vs

Or any way to manually prevent that group from appearing? I just want snippet with shortcut;

btw, can supply a way to not group them by catelog in menu, just list the item on top (take a limit number of course to avoid exceed) it would be very convenient.

Creation come from persist!

Edited by - jzq740176597 on Jan 15 2025 10:18:28 PM

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19093 Posts

Posted - Jan 16 2025 :  08:08:24 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
These snippets have default values, which is why they come back after you delete them.

If you just want snippets with shortcuts, is there a reason you aren't typing the shortcuts? This is how they are designed to be used, type the shortcut, and accept the snippet. The menu is designed to access less commonly used snippets, including ones without a shortcut.

If you want to use a Snippet on selected text, and it looks like you have selected the curly brackets there, you can use the "Surround With" field in the Snippet Editor, so you can just use the character you have set to insert the snippet, without visiting the menu.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

345 Posts

Posted - Jan 16 2025 :  9:00:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
About Not use SHORTCUT
because of this: https://forums.wholetomato.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=20693

In short : I Disabled VA suggestion-feature ONLY in C# to prevent it from bothering the Vs intrisic suggestion by copilot (right-arrow)

Instead, I using a keyboard-shortcut alone to trigger [Insert VA Snippet] menu, Really hope find a fast way to filter & insert or config to insert the entry I prefer.

SO the auto-group feature : increase the indirect-level (UI) Make it not very convenient.

As a detour, I found a way to achieve this:

I purge the snippets in shortcut-group & delete the "shortcut" setting. Then it will pop as the first-top level with alpha-shortcut.

Finally, I can insert it in very fast-way with 2 key-strokes only.

anyway , thanks for you time & patience. REALLY hope your team can address the copilot bother issue, It's in real & bothering really. It's abnormal to interupt the default vs functional anyway.

Creation come from persist!
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19093 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2025 :  08:23:27 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for explaining, and for the information on your solution here. We are working on better compatibility with CoPilot and VA's suggestions, and I have added a note about this problem to that case:


zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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