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Posted - Sep 11 2023 :  5:24:59 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey, this seems like a basic question but I'm struggling to get a basic answer. How do I completely prevent Visual Assist from changing the formatting of my code? I have my code editor settings that I want setup in the Visual Studio Code Style/Formatting options, and I'd like to prevent Visual Assist from interacting with editor formatting.
For example: Right now if I use tab to autocomplete something like an if statement, it places the open brace on a new line when I have this setting disabled in my VS Code Style settings.

1) Typed "if" and pressed tab twice, VA disabled:

2) Same thing but with VA enabled:

My intuition tells me this would be in the VA settings under "Editor", but I've unchecked all the settings there and relaunched VS a few times already:

Feels like I'm just missing something here.
Info if it helps: Windows 11, Visual Studio 2022 Community, Visual Assist build 2023.3, personal license, C/C++.

Oh, and here are the VS Code Style settings:

Edited by - ckx on Sep 11 2023 5:30:59 PM

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2023 :  12:39:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Do you have:

VA Options -> Suggestions -> Suggestion and Completion lists
* Include VA Snippets

turned On or Off?

As far as I can see an IDE snippet is being accepted when you type "if" and press Tab, but its being done silently, since I am not seeing any obvious suggestion this is going to happen in VS2022.

Your two pictures show different code and different formatting. It looks like with VA active you are accepting the VA snippet with the shortcut "if", rather than the IDE snippet with the same shortcut. This is probably having an effect on all of this, since VA snippets are pre-formatted blocks of code.

So if you turn Off VA snippets, does this fix this particular problem?

In general VA doesn't do code formatting, and we leave it to the IDE, since the IDE already has a pile of settings for this.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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New Member

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Posted - Sep 12 2023 :  2:32:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Disabling snippets works, thanks.
Makes sense that VA's snippets don't necessarily adhere to Visual Studio's code settings, and auto formatters should be solving this problem for most projects anyway.

Appreciate it.

Edited by - ckx on Sep 12 2023 2:36:03 PM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2023 :  06:42:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you are ever interested in looking at VA Snippets again, you can edit them, to make sure they have the formatting style you use, via the Snippet Editor:


zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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