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 Why the ___ is it still parsing when disabled ?
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Senior Member

33 Posts

Posted - Jun 29 2020 :  12:05:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Every time I start up my solution this extension brings my computer to its knees.

I turn off VaX with the Enable/Disable menu and it keeps parsing.

Why don't you actually turn it off so I can use my computer ?

This is an Unreal 4 project. I can understand it taking a while to build the database, so I usually let it run over a lunch break or something.

BTW why is it parsing again every time I restart Visual Studio ? Even when I have added no files ?

VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2382.0 built 2020.06.25
DevEnv.exe version 16.6.30204.135 Community
msenv.dll version 16.0.30204.135

I have SSDs for the system drive and the UE4/project install locations. devenv.exe shows 100% CPU so I'm pretty sure it's not a disk issue

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19136 Posts

Posted - Jun 29 2020 :  12:13:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In theory, if nothing has changed, then VA will do basically no parsing when loading an existing Unreal Engine project.

You are not the first person to report this problem, but so far I have not been able to reproduce this problem here.

If you load two instances of the IDE at once, then VA will generate and maintain two instances of it's symbol database, one for each instance of the IDE. So if you have two instances of the IDE open and both have Unreal Engine solutions open, then the first time this happens VA will have to parse all of Unreal Engine twice. This is what I see when testing this here.

How have you installed Unreal Engine? Did you use the Epic Game Launcher to download Unreal Engine, or have you downloaded and compiled the source code from github?

Do you have more than one version of Unreal Engine installed on your system?

If you close all instances of the IDE, and then just load a single instance of Visual Studio, and open an existing Unreal Engine solution, that VA has previously parsed, do you still see VA parsing all of Unreal Engine?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Senior Member

33 Posts

Posted - Jun 29 2020 :  12:35:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am only using one instance of the IDE today.

Currently just using 4.24 from the Epic launcher in the project in question.

I used to open another instance of the IDE with the UE4 github source, but that it just a nightmare with the constant parsing that never lets up.

Can you address why the extension still parsing when I have chosen to disable it ? Is there a setting to turn this behavior off ?

I just tested reducing the number of cores used from all to half and that at lets my computer be used. I guess the default for multithreaded parsing should be something sane instead of all my cores, if you are going to run at normal priority.

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19136 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2020 :  05:08:27 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
VA cannot really do much of anything helpful until after it has parsed your solution, and normally getting parsing done as fast as possible is a priority for most of our users. Which is why the default settings use all cores, but there is a setting, which you have already found, to alter this.

Disabling VA via:

VAssistX -> Enable/Disable Visual Assist X

is just a temporary measure, with the expectation that you will enable VA again "soon", so this does not stop VA from parsing, since without parsing, VA won't be able to help when you enable it again.

If you want to load the IDE with VA inactive, then run the IDE with the /SafeMode command line switch:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /SafeMode

which will make sure that Visual Assist is not loaded at all. But if you do this you will then have to close and re-load the IDE normally to get Visual Assist loaded and working.

None of this explains the problems you are seeing though. I have both Unreal Engine from the Epic launcher and from the github source code, compiled and running, on a machine here, and have yet to reproduce these endless parsing problems, so there has to be some difference in what we are doing.

Can you please load just one instance of your IDE, with an Unreal Engine solution that uses the Epic launcher install of Unreal Engine, and see what happens with VA parsing? After VA has finished parsing, close this instance of the IDE, make sure the IDE has closed, and then reload the IDE and load the same solution again.

Since nothing will have changed in the background, VA should do very little parsing. It will need to check and see if anything has changed, but that is all.

If you still see VA parsing everything in this situation then we clearly have a problem. Exactly how are you loading the IDE and the solution? Are you passing command line parameters? Launching the IDE via a script, Unreal editor, some other method?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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