Junior Member
14 Posts |
Posted - Jun 07 2018 : 4:40:21 PM
VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2270.0 built 2018.04.30 DevEnv.exe version 15.7.27703.2026 Enterprise msenv.dll version 15.0.27703.2026 Comctl32.dll version 6.10.17134.48 Windows 10 10.0 Build 17134.81 32 processors (x86-64, WOW64) Language info: 1252, 0x409
Attempting to rename a class, that is used a lot, via VA Rename, but consistently it fails and crashes VS.
VA Find Reference Results: Found 3830 (+107 hidden) references in 1089 files to: <the class>.
Performing a VA Rename of the class appears to progressively slowly attempt to open the files before eventually crashing Visual Studio.
Private Memory usage of devenv.exe KB: 669,092 - Solution Loaded 728,076 - VA Rename Dialog (after finding all references) 1,501,924 - Right Before Crashing (though it hits near this and holds under for a while before crashing).
The system appears to be paging memory due to VA opening so many files in VS. The rate of files being opened in VS, by VA, grows noticeably slower; e.g. 3 seconds between each newly opened file's tab showing in VS. The crash appears to occur before VA modifies any of the files.
I manually ended up doing the rename via VA in several smaller chunks by deselecting items in the Rename dialog. It seems that it can handle renaming around 350 files, but crashes VS some between there and 450 files.
Perhaps a new option, akin to VS' Find and Replace dialog's "Keep modified files open after Replace All" could be added to VA's Rename dialog. Generally, an option that would allow for more performant (and of course non-crashing), renames across hundreds of files. No need to keep files open (as that doesn't scale well with file count) - and no need for undo support (in VS) for such large renames.