VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2076.0 built 2015.09.15
DevEnv.exe version 14.0.23107.0 Community
msenv.dll version 14.0.23107.0
Comctl32.dll version 6.10.10240.16384
Windows 10 10.0 Build 10240
Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, German
Description of the problem:
Defining functions using auto and the trailing return type break VAX when returning a raw pointer. Break as in after those lines documentation of other functions does not work anymore and they get recognized wrong.
This does NOT happen if the function returning the raw pointer is qualified as 'const'.

Code example:
class BaseClass
uint32_t m_int;
uint32_t* m_pInt;
auto Func1( void ) -> bool
return true;
auto Func2( void ) -> uint32_t&
return m_int;
auto Func3( void ) const -> uint32_t*
return m_pInt;
auto Func4( void ) -> uint32_t*
return m_pInt;
auto Func5( void ) -> void
Try generating documentation for Func5!