After a recent office relocation, people have been getting errors about exceeding the number of PCs for our license (when we never did before). Any idea why that would happen? Also, how can I see which machines are consuming licenses? Another thread mentioned Wireshark, but I couldn't find any more specifics.
Our license check should only pick up machines on the same network where VA is currently loaded. Simply having VA installed, but no instances of the IDE loaded do not count towards this check. So I am not sure why you are now seeing this, but you weren't seeing it before.
Is it possible you have gone from two separate networks to one single network, so now more machines are visible at the same time? Installing VA onto both a desktop and a laptop, or into several virtual machines all on the network are also possible triggers. But again the IDE needs to be loaded for the machines to count.
This article explains how to use wireshark to locate the machines on your network where VA is installed: