It would be great to have with VAX a way to see from a selected class which classes inherit from it (i.e which classes are a derivate of it) or (but less interesting) from which class it derivate.
This could be shown as a tree (i.e which classes are a derivate of a derivate of the class and so on ...)
This is partially available in the Class Viewer of Visual but unfortunately it does not work well (at least with VS2008), typically for example if inheritance is done among several projects.
Also, generating such information from a right click or keyboard shortcut while the caret is on a class name would lead to big productivity in my opinion.
As an example, Eclipse (That I had to use in a previous life but no more) works quite well regarding this feature.
The Goto Related UI would become a bit unwieldy to support navigation within itself (since it would require numerous layers of sub-menus and would make navigation to source more cumbersome). We do have a request for a more traditional tree view or inheritance graph: case=6647
Yes, a tree view could be a different "tool" and not part of the Goto Related.
Also, it would be nice to have a "Goto Related" shortcut with the mouse (like the Goto one i.e. <Ctrl + Right-Click>). It could be <Ctrl + Shift + Right-Click>
Well Why not allowing to pick 2 commands, one on Ctrl+click and a second one on ctrl+Shift+click Because sometime we may want a command and at other moment an other one. Typically "Go" and "Go Related".