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 Intellisense completely dead on "auto"
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Posted - Mar 04 2014 :  04:06:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just downloaded the latest trial to give it a shot in VS2013. Straight away I noticed the intellisense on auto-inferred C++ variable types is completely dead. Is this a known bug? Is there a way to fall back to Visual Studio in this particular case?

Edited by - MoonStorm on Mar 04 2014 04:21:49 AM

New Member

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Posted - Mar 04 2014 :  04:35:40 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ah sorry, I should have changed the topic name. The product is a mess, thanks for the trial but its 10 minutes are up. Changed a class name but it didn't touch the file names. Changed the file names but their references remained in the project, hence failing later on when compiling. It detects types from other namespaces but when attempting to add them, it fails to prepend them with the namespace. I'll stop here.

Honestly, has this product been QAed?
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19135 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2014 :  5:10:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Apologies for the problems you are seeing here. For auto, would you have time to post some sample code to explain what code you are using when this fails? auto works in the following sample code for me, using VS2013, VA 2029:

class testClassReferencedByAuto
	int nTestMember1;
	int nTestMember2;

void testFunctionUsingAuto()
	testClassReferencedByAuto *fooAuto = new testClassReferencedByAuto();
	auto f1 = fooAuto;
	auto* f2 = fooAuto;
	auto* f3 = &fooAuto;
	auto** f4 = &fooAuto;
	auto f5 = *fooAuto;

On a new install of VA, the IDE default intellisense should be enabled by default, so you should be getting member listboxes from the IDE. This is controlled via the setting:

VA Options -> Advanced -> Listboxes -> Get content from default Intellisense

Rename does not automatically rename the file, since when working in C++ we cannot assume that classes and files share a name, and often they do not.

Renaming a file is supposed to update all references. One of the things VA does is to search for all #include statements that need to be updated. Do you have time to explain what references were not updated? Is this a project not being updated problem, or #include statements not being located and updated?

We do a lot of QA work on VA, but its not possible to produce very complex software that does not have any problems, as I am sure you can understand.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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New Member

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Posted - Apr 05 2014 :  4:50:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah you're right. I mean if the code was as simple as in your example, we most likely wouldn't have this discussion. The context was this: I picked up a library that is extensively using templates and macros, including for allocation/deallocation of objects, became overwhelmed and at the same time frustrated with the stock intellisense and refactoring support in VS2013, picked up Visual Assist and realized it's actually performing worse. And we're talking about a paid product not a free one. Luckily you give out a trial, which is appreciated.

If the class shares the same name with the header or source file, a rename of the class should by default rename the respective files as well. Visual Assist could easily detect that.

The rename of the file did not update the #include references, but the same as the 'auto' problem, I cannot give you the exact steps to replicate the problem. Why? Because luckily for me I've since discovered a similar tool which is currently in early access and is working like a charm, so unfortunately I can't really help you guys.

All I can do for you is to suggest you download the Ogre3d source library from https://bitbucket.org/sinbad/ogre, build it in VS2013, and attempt to replicate the bugs mentioned in my previous posts. Good luck.

Edited by - MoonStorm on Apr 05 2014 5:39:50 PM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19135 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  10:32:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for taking the time to get back to me about this. We are looking into having Rename work out when the file should be renamed:


Do you remember any particular parts of the Orge library that caused problems? I have been looking at this, but its just a library, and I am going to need the dependencies, and to work out what to do with cmake to do anything with this. I have run a few basic tests, and I am not seeing any obvious problems, but I assume you were refactoring a solution build using this library, rather than the library its self, so even getting the library working is not going to get me far.

So any clues as to where to start looking for problems would be appreciated, if you had the time.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Whole Tomato Software

2817 Posts

Posted - May 23 2014 :  2:58:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
case=78502 is implemented in build 2036.
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