The setting "Insert () and closing } ) ] ' "" conflicts with the Visual Studio 2013 "Automatic brace completion". It's confusing to have both settings. I usually have all the automatic stuff turned off. This time i was struggeling to figure out why it kept still doing it while it was turned off in Visual Assist already.
It also seems to conflict with the /** autocomplete for: /******************************/ /* */ /******************************/
since it adds another / at the end of it if you leave the setting turned on in Visual studio.
Thanks for the feedback. The problem with the /* is fixed in our next build (case=75035).
We'll consider a warning if the ide auto brace completion is enabled when you disable va auto completion. We aren't aware of any conflict in the functionality in the two implementations. case=76840
Thank you for your response. It's not so much a technical conflict, just a usability conflict, which is somewhat confusing, that's all. I think adding a warning would help a lot. Perhaps asking the user if he maybe wants to have the vs setting disabled too if he unticks the va setting?