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 VS2013-RC: conflicting settings (C++, possibly c#)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
robindegen Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 08:20:44 AM
The setting "Insert () and closing } ) ] ' "" conflicts with the Visual Studio 2013 "Automatic brace completion". It's confusing to have both settings. I usually have all the automatic stuff turned off. This time i was struggeling to figure out why it kept still doing it while it was turned off in Visual Assist already.

It also seems to conflict with the /** autocomplete for:
/* */

since it adds another / at the end of it if you leave the setting turned on in Visual studio.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
support Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 4:43:25 PM
case=76840 is implemented in build 2001.
support Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 4:42:39 PM
case=75035 is fixed in build 2001.
robindegen Posted - Sep 15 2013 : 2:04:10 PM
Thank you for your response. It's not so much a technical conflict, just a usability conflict, which is somewhat confusing, that's all. I think adding a warning would help a lot. Perhaps asking the user if he maybe wants to have the vs setting disabled too if he unticks the va setting?
sean Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 09:32:29 AM
Thanks for the feedback. The problem with the /* is fixed in our next build (case=75035).

We'll consider a warning if the ide auto brace completion is enabled when you disable va auto completion. We aren't aware of any conflict in the functionality in the two implementations. case=76840
robindegen Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 08:22:09 AM
It didn't let me edit, but my build is 10.7.1949

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