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 QuickInfo not working when running debugger

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Kelby Posted - Jan 30 2022 : 07:24:40 AM
Quick Info is not working for me at all. I have intellisense disabled. I have tried to enable QuickInfo by going into Visual Assist Options -- Display and checking "Show Quick Info tooltips for more symbols," as well as the two boxes under it. But I'm getting no Quick Info. When I hover over a symbol, nothing. When I click Ctrl-K Ctrl-I, nothing.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Feb 02 2022 : 06:45:35 AM
Then we are seeing the same problem. There are two triggers here, one is the VA bug I have listed, which we are aware of and looking to fix. The second is that VS2022 its self stops showing tooltips on mouse hover in debug mode, which doesn't make much sense at all, but since we are both seeing it, its not a system specific quirk.

Other VA features do still work, so placing the caret into the symbol name will show information in the Context and Definition fields.

If you show VA Outline, and place keyboard focus into the editor window, then the Hovering Class Browser, the bottom section, will update with class information for the symbol you are hovering the mouse over, which can be quite helpful, depending on what you want to know.
Kelby Posted - Feb 01 2022 : 12:31:11 PM
I am using VS2022.
feline Posted - Feb 01 2022 : 07:50:10 AM
Which IDE are you using?

I am able to reproduce this problem in VS2022, even when IDE intellisense is enabled. While editing tooltips are showing up, but when debugging (just running the solution, not even using a breakpoint) IDE tooltips don't show up.

Unfortunately there is a bug with VA and VS2022 which is stopping VA tooltips from appearing in the editor window when IDE intellisense is disabled, which looks like it is also showing up here:


If you are using a different IDE then we have a different issue.
Kelby Posted - Jan 31 2022 : 9:28:47 PM
I'm having the issues for all symbols.

When I click on a symbol and get no tooltip, the context and definition fields show the declaration. So, for example, when I am in the .cpp file and click on a call to MyFunction, the context/definition field shows void MyFunction(int MyInt).
feline Posted - Jan 31 2022 : 11:12:55 AM
Which type of symbols are you seeing this problem with, or is it all of them?

If you place the caret into one of these symbols where you get no tooltip, what, if anything, is shown in VA's context and definition fields? These are normally at the top of the editor window and are where the alt-m list appears.

I am trying to work out if this is a "VA doesn't understand anything" or a "VA won't show tooltips on mouse hover" problem.
Kelby Posted - Jan 30 2022 : 08:03:05 AM
When I enable Intellisense, I am getting the Intellisense Quick Info, rather than the Visual Assist version. And when I launch UE4 using the Local Debugger, even Intellisense doesn't give me anything.

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