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 Snippets in any file

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Mr11 Posted - Aug 23 2016 : 09:02:00 AM
I used to be able to create snippets and associate them generically so they worked in any file type (this was a year or more ago) but now I can only add them for C++ related files. How do I set this up now? This feature was very useful as I work with file types that are not standard C++ extensions and the snippets were super useful.

Thanks in advance.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dusan Posted - Aug 23 2016 : 4:24:11 PM
I think that what you want is to use a Text snippet.

Please try following:

Open VA Snippet Editor using menu:
- VAssistX->Tools->Edit VA Snippets...

In VA Snippet Editor:
- Set Language to "Text"
- Set type to "All by Title"
- create some snippet
- click OK button to save changes

- Add .rkj file to Visual Studio project
- Being in that file, use menu VAssistX->Insert VA Snippet...
- Now you should be able to select your snippet

Does it work for you?
ChrisG Posted - Aug 23 2016 : 12:09:04 PM
EDIT: Nevermind! There is a proper way to do this.
Mr11 Posted - Aug 23 2016 : 11:54:53 AM
I work on proprietary file types. Let's just say the extension is .rkj, it's not but the point is when I am working on a .rkj file I want to be able to use snippets.
ChrisG Posted - Aug 23 2016 : 11:16:26 AM
Mostly those listed languages. I'm sorry, what file type are you using Visual Assist on?

You can force Visual Assist to recognize custom file extension as a C++ file, but you should only do that if it is true.
Mr11 Posted - Aug 23 2016 : 11:08:56 AM
Will this allow me to use snippets in any file type or just the ones listed in the link you added?
ChrisG Posted - Aug 23 2016 : 10:24:44 AM
It sounds like you need to enable VA for non-C++ file types.

You can do that through the registry, using this:

Hopefully that helps.

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