I used to be able to create snippets and associate them generically so they worked in any file type (this was a year or more ago) but now I can only add them for C++ related files. How do I set this up now? This feature was very useful as I work with file types that are not standard C++ extensions and the snippets were super useful.
I work on proprietary file types. Let's just say the extension is .rkj, it's not but the point is when I am working on a .rkj file I want to be able to use snippets.
I think that what you want is to use a Text snippet.
Please try following:
Open VA Snippet Editor using menu: - VAssistX->Tools->Edit VA Snippets...
In VA Snippet Editor: - Set Language to "Text" - Set type to "All by Title" - create some snippet - click OK button to save changes
Then: - Add .rkj file to Visual Studio project - Being in that file, use menu VAssistX->Insert VA Snippet... - Now you should be able to select your snippet