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 not qualify to run this build

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cr500mh6 Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 3:10:54 PM
I have a new PC because the old burned down, the hard drive is broken.
On this, the exe of visual assits was saved.
I have VS2010 loaded onto my new PC and then downloaded from your homepage Visual Assist and installed. The error message came.
Software Maintenance Expired
You Entered a key Which does not qualify to run this build.
You must purchase a new license to run this build, or revert
to a previous build. Previous builds can be downloaded from

I have no idea what a Visual Assist Build I have to upload from your archive page.

On 07/28/2013 I bought the program.

Can you tell me what is the correct Visual Assist Build.

Thanks in advance
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cr500mh6 Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 02:07:46 AM
Thank you for your quick response
feline Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 3:57:03 PM
Normally you will be running in trial mode, so I assume VA thinks that it has been installed for a while now, with an old key, and the trial has expired.

Can you please run regedit and look for the value:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Whole Tomato \\ Visual Assist X \\ UserName = "..."

this should hold the first line of the license key installed on this machine, which will look something like:

[email protected] (1-user license) Support ends 2013.04.23

you can check which versions of VA your license covers by checking out the "requires software maintenance through" dates on the page:


any version with a date before your support ends will work. This date will probably be 2014.07.28, giving you Visual Assist Build 2043, which requires software maintenance through 2014.07.10.

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