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Posted - Oct 22 2024 :  10:14:49 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When I use visual Assist, it always automatically disappears, cannot be clicked, cannot be set, cannot be used, and must restart visual studio before it can be used again. I tried a lot of methods, such as using the latest version of visual Assist trial version is still not working, set visual studio code analysis close and other methods, but it doesn't work, every time I open visual studio and use visual Assist for a while, it will fail. The ICONS and functions are all turned black, which cannot be restored, so visual studio must be restarted, which greatly reduces my development efficiency. I have tested visual studio 2017, 2019, 2022, and the latest version of visual Assist, which all have this problem. I am currently using visual studio 2022, VA_X_Setup2443_0,

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19097 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2024 :  07:37:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Are you getting any error messages when this happens?

Are you seeing this problem in all versions of Visual Studio?

There have been several changes in Visual Studio 2022 since VA 2443 was released, so if you are using the latest version of Visual Studio 2022. But this doesn't explain problems in earlier versions of Visual Studio.

Are you still able to open the VAssistX menu? Do any of the menu options work?

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