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 How to find function or symbols in VA X?
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Junior Member

14 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2008 :  10:25:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I met the following problems and cannot find the solution from VA X.
/////////// Class MnWndw & Func onDNDdrop
long MnWndw::onDNDdrop(FXObject*sender,FXSelector s,void*ptr){
FXCanvas* canvas=(FXCanvas*)sender;
return 0;

Using the 'Find Symbol' feature of VA X, I can only find the function name 'onDNDdrop'. However, I would like to find function 'getDNDData' of variable 'canvas'. I cannot figure out a way by using VA X.

Currently, I have to use the 'Find in Files' features in VS 6.0.

Thank you

Tomato Guru

527 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2008 :  10:43:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Assuming you are using a version of VA X with refactoring support, you can use the Find References feature. Read the following link for more information.


Tools Engineer - Raven Software
VS2005 SP2/VS2008 SP1 - VAX <LATEST> - Win 7 x64

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Junior Member

14 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2008 :  11:30:23 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
hello rhummer,

The problem of just using 'Find References' feature is that you have to first find the 'Symbol' in the solution.

My original question is how to find the 'Symbol' with VA X without manually locating the 'Symbol'.

Thank you again
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Tomato Guru

527 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2008 :  11:38:27 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ah I see, if I recall correctly you cannot use the 'Find Symbol in Solution' to search for variables that are part of a method or class. You can only use it to find methods, classes, enum, static variables, etc..

feline will correct me on that if I am wrong.

Though you can use 'Find Symbol' to find the definition of 'FXCanvas' then do a 'Find References' on 'FXCanvas' which will then show you where 'cavas' is. That might help you do what you are looking for, it takes a few more steps but using VA X functionality.

Tools Engineer - Raven Software
VS2005 SP2/VS2008 SP1 - VAX <LATEST> - Win 7 x64

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
3287 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2008 :  12:17:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
rhummer, you are wrong.
q0887: you can use the awesome "find symbol" feature (SHIFT+ALT+S or VAssistX/Find Symbol...)

It can find variables, classes or any symbol in your project, even if they are defined by an ugly macro

Edited by - accord on Feb 12 2008 12:23:00 PM
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Tomato Guru

527 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2008 :  12:33:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hm, I stand corrected. For some reason I thought you couldn't maybe I never tried it or it was bugged at some point. *shrugs*

Though it still looks like you can't find variables that are defined in a method, which seems what the OP is looking for. Which the method I described before should work for.

Tools Engineer - Raven Software
VS2005 SP2/VS2008 SP1 - VAX <LATEST> - Win 7 x64

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19141 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2008 :  3:56:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am confused. If you open the Find Symbols dialog and filter it on FXCanvas, the type of the variable "canvas" what is listed?

Does VA know about this class?

You seem to know the name of the symbol you want to find, so what is the problem?

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