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Mike ONeill
Tomato Guru

South Africa
103 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2008 :  11:55:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I recently had to review some older code which reminded me of the "missing link" in refactoring in VB.

I now code mostly in C# and have got used to Refactoring on tap , back in VB , you now lose VS2005 IDE Refactoring (that C# Only) and the VAX refactoring doesn't work properly.

I logged an issue some time back and I was provided with a issue number , but to date I have seen no progress.

I appreiate from the forums that the main user base seems to be C++ and C# -- whats VB ???

But the product boasts all 3 languages but fails in what I feel is seen as the poor relation - VB

I did try resorting to Dev Express Refactor Pro but its so memory hungry , it grinds to a halt with other addin in play

Any time scale ?


Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19137 Posts

Posted - Jan 18 2008 :  12:26:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Unfortunately, as you are well aware, progress is rather slow on this front. I don't have any form of time estimate currently. This is down as a high priority fix, but we have been trying to get the 16xx builds out of the door recently, and have been slowed up by the crashes some users have been seeing:


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