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New Member

6 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2008 : 01:06:55 AM
VA version: 10.4.1624
I have coloring setting enabled, but when I type this
void Foo(...) { IoSession session = variable.Property as IoSession; } The color for Property is incorrect, suppose to be grey but became blue. Yes, it's a very minor one but hopefully it could be fixed in the future version. Thanks! |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2008 : 09:37:22 AM
is "variable.Property" coloured correctly outside of a cast? Or does this problem only show up inside a cast? Does this problem only show up with "Property", or does it show up for other class members as well? |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
New Member

6 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2008 : 9:59:10 PM
> is "variable.Property" coloured correctly outside of a cast? Or does this problem only show up inside a cast? Yes, it's colored correctly outside a cast. Does this problem only show up with "Property", or does it show up for other class members as well? The problem occurs for any variable when you do casting. e.g. int foo; object o = foo as object; foo is colored blue, just like a keyword. I think the issue exists in every "as" casting for C#.
Environment: Visual Studio 2008 RTM, VA version 10.4.1624, C#, coloring enabled using default settings. Hope this helps! |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2008 : 11:54:24 AM
I am seeing the same effect here. Thank you for the clear description.
case=11540 |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
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