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 Remove logo from "Open file in solution"
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Junior Member

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Posted - Sep 28 2024 :  3:39:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I just paid for an update for Visual Assist because in VS 2022 it started showing an error dialog when pressing escape during multi-line editing, so I needed to update.

Now in the "open file in solution" dialog it's showing a huge distracting tomato from your logo. My previous version was already a couple years old, I don't think it had any logo there.

How do I remove the logo? This is the only feature from VA that I really need, because the built-in one is too slow. But your logo there is quite distracting, I'm afraid I can't use it like this. I have a 4k screen using 100 DPI and the logo scales almost over the entire dialog.

I'm fine with being able to replace the image file if it's accessible or binary edit the extension, if it's stored in an uncompressed format.


Tomato Guru

111 Posts

Posted - Sep 29 2024 :  02:38:35 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just disable Add tomato art behind OFIS and FSIS on page Floating Buttons and Icons in VA's settings dialog.

Windows 11 x64, VS 2022, VaX 10.9.2530
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19147 Posts

Posted - Sep 30 2024 :  07:34:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Exactly, thank you SvenR.

In case anyone is wondering why the logo is there, I think the idea is to make it easier to tell that this is a VA dialog, and not an IDE dialog. We try to merge as seamlessly as possible into the IDE, but the side effect is that it isn't always obvious if you are interacting with VA or the IDE, which makes it harder to know where to ask questions if you have any.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Posted - Oct 01 2024 :  2:04:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you both, I missed that option!
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19147 Posts

Posted - Oct 02 2024 :  10:23:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's one of those "easy when you know how" situations

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Junior Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - Oct 18 2024 :  10:33:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Funny post, I have the opposite issue. After updating my license, the floating tomato icon never appears, just a tiny little arrow that is almost invisible. I have it enabled in the VAX settings. Any ideas?
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19147 Posts

Posted - Oct 18 2024 :  12:36:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Can you post a screen shot? A tiny little arrow suggests something that happens inside the editor, specifically a tooltip to open the VA refactoring context menu with the mouse:


If you are not aware, instead of using the quick reply field at the bottom of the page, if you use the "Reply to Topic" link, there is a button on the editor toolbar to upload and attach a screen shot, to save you having to host the image somewhere and link to it.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Junior Member

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Posted - Mar 13 2025 :  06:48:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by feline

Can you post a screen shot? A tiny little arrow suggests something that happens inside the editor, specifically a tooltip to open the VA refactoring context menu with the mouse:


If you are not aware, instead of using the quick reply field at the bottom of the page, if you use the "Reply to Topic" link, there is a button on the editor toolbar to upload and attach a screen shot, to save you having to host the image somewhere and link to it.

It's impossible to screenshot as the context menu disappears when you press PrintScreen. I took a pic on my phone but uploading here via mobile seems to be bugged out.

It is still an issue though. A very annoying one at that.

I have the icon enabled in the optionslike in the link you provided.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19147 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2025 :  08:30:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It used to be a small down pointing arrow, that when you moved the mouse over and clicked on, it opened the VA context refactoring menu. In VA 2547 I am getting a tomato icon that does the same thing. The positioning of the button is the same as always, at the start of, and just below, the symbol that you are hovering the mouse over.

I have taken some screen shots of what I am seeing here, this is VS2022, sitting in a cpp file. How does this compare to what you are seeing? If you have something quite different, what seems to be the trigger for it appearing? Which version of VA and IDE are you currently using?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Junior Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - Mar 18 2025 :  09:40:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by feline

It used to be a small down pointing arrow, that when you moved the mouse over and clicked on, it opened the VA context refactoring menu. In VA 2547 I am getting a tomato icon that does the same thing. The positioning of the button is the same as always, at the start of, and just below, the symbol that you are hovering the mouse over.

I have taken some screen shots of what I am seeing here, this is VS2022, sitting in a cpp file. How does this compare to what you are seeing? If you have something quite different, what seems to be the trigger for it appearing? Which version of VA and IDE are you currently using?

I get a very small grey rectangle with a black arrow in it instead of the tomato. Functionally it appears to be the same as the tomato, but it's difficult to see on a black background. Sounds like the old icon but on the latest build. Managed to capture it today...

VS 2019 Pro 16.11.44
Visual Assist build 2024.9

Edited by - jakeslade on Mar 18 2025 09:43:48 AM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19147 Posts

Posted - Mar 18 2025 :  10:02:21 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That is indeed the old icon. I have just checked, and I am getting the tomato icon in VS2019 with VA 2024.9, so I am not sure why you are still getting the old icon...

Found it. Go to:

VA Options -> Floating Buttons and Icons -> Show floating button for Quick Action Menu when hovering

and the help text at the bottom of the options dialog explains that you will see the Tomato icon if you have Code Inspection enabled, otherwise you will get the triangle icon. Not a connection I would have guessed at. But this is also the setting to turn off this icon if you don't want to see it.

If you want to use the mouse, but not bother with this icon, you can try setting:

VA Options -> Mouse -> Execute [VA Context Menu] upon Middle-Click in text editor

or if you prefer the keyboard, the default keyboard shortcut to open the VA refactoring context menu at the current keyboard caret position is Alt-Shift-Q.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Junior Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - Mar 18 2025 :  12:54:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Aha! Thank you feline, middle click for context menu works great.
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