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 VS2022 17.8.14 + VAX 2530 immediately crashing
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Posted - Sep 11 2024 :  3:19:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I updated VS2022 from 17.8.13->17.8.14 today and after that VS crashes immediately when I type the first letter in any C++ file or even try to open Visual Assist options.

The only way for me to do any kind of work was to disable Visual Assist extension before doing anything and restart VS.

This is almost the same behavior you delivered to me with version 2528. If I have the time I will try to revert to version 2522 as I was forced to to on the previous crashes, but primarily I have to write code and if that works better without VAX I guess I'll have to learn to live without it... :-(

New Member

3 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2024 :  03:55:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is now solved for me. I spent some time testing back and forth between different versions of VAX and suddenly it works with VS 17.8.14 + VAX 2530. The testing also included a reboot of my computer so the question is whether it was the reboot that fixed the problem or whether it was the reinstalls of VAX or a combination. I did reboot my computer after the update of VS to 17.8.14 before writing my previous post, so it probably wasn't just the reboot. Because I suffered the previous problems with 2528 and had them fresh in my mind I was unfortunately quick to blame VAX, but now I'm not entirely sure about that, however, it was only the VAX extension that didn't work after the update.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19135 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2024 :  06:52:25 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
VA 2530 should not be crashing, but sadly that statement doesn't prove anything. It is also possible for a corruption problem, either with your VA install, or inside your IDE profile to cause crashes. Both of these are very rare, but I have encountered them occasionally. Normally though this isn't fixed by something as simple as a reboot.

So if I had to guess, I would say you somehow ended up with a corrupt install of VA, or a bad update to Visual Studio, which somehow got cleared. But that's just a guess.

Either way, I am very glad you have this fixed, since that was a crippling problem!

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