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 Accepting VAX suggestion eats scope
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Posted - Sep 24 2021 :  07:50:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Whenever VAX suggests e.g. an identifier, macro name, etc. it will eat the following scope upon accepting the suggestion with either ENTER or TAB.

Here's a short GIF that shows what's happening:

Notice that when I start typing MACRO in front of Works() and accept it, the result will be "MACROWorks();".
However, when doing the same with Nested::Fails, as soon as I accept MACRO with ENTER, the result will be "MACRO::Fails();", because VAX has eaten the "Nested" scope.

I wouldn't mind it that much if the behaviour was consistent, but it's not, and that throws off muscle memory.

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19137 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2021 :  10:57:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well that's not supposed to happen. This behaviour is controlled by this registry key setting:


by default VA should never overwrite a known symbol after the caret. This is working correctly for the function name but failing for the namespace. Using the above setting you can tell VA to never overwrite, which will avoid the random element that is happening here.

We have seen this once or twice before, but its quite rare. I have added this example to the bug report, thank you for this:


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