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Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2020 : 10:32:48 AM
When I start VS2019 normally as non-admin, then when debugging VS asks to restart with elevated privileges. In such a case sometimes during a break in the debug session, VS just locks up. Looking up the wait chain always shows this:

This happens in C# and VB projects. Havent tested C++ or F# yet. It seems to have something to do with hovering over symbols in the edit window during a debug session. VS consumes 20-25% processor and never stops neither reacts. No clear repro case. |
Whole Tomato Software
299 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2020 : 10:37:09 AM
Thanks for reporting this. Would you be able to capture a dump next time it happens? How frequently to do you see the issue when you are debugging? |
Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2020 : 10:40:43 AM
Will do. Frequency about twice a week. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2020 : 12:32:31 PM
Are there any C++ code files in your solutions? I only ask since Code Inspection should not be doing anything if it is not seeing C++ code, so this is rather odd. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2020 : 1:01:42 PM
None at all. I see this happening even with VB only solutions. In fact, I see VA related coloring happening in VB code too, although only in some files. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2020 : 04:52:17 AM
OK, that really is unexpected. Is this a reliable effect? If you close one of the files where you see VA colouring and reload the file, do you still see VA colouring in the file? Does scrolling the file, or moving between files have any effect on this?
Are you seeing the VA context and definition fields at the top of the editor window in these VB files?
I don't know if this is connected or not, but it could be. Can you please double check and see what you have the registry value:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Whole Tomato\Visual Assist X\VANet16\RestrictVaToPrimaryFileTypes = ??
is set to? What ever this is set to, you should be seeing consistent colouring from VA in VB files, either on or off. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2020 : 05:24:04 AM
RestrictToPrimaryFileTypes = 01
Closing and reopening the same .vb file does not reproduce the coloring. Scrolling works fine, doesnt change coloring when working. Disabling VA and reenabling, returns to the same coloring state of the current file. Switching between open files doesnt change the coloring.
There is no pattern to when syntax coloring appears in .vb files.
No context or definition fields.
Will upload a dump now to the ftp. Just had another lockup.

Edited by - Uniwares on Jul 17 2020 05:31:41 AM |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2020 : 09:45:58 AM
I remember that we have encountered some VA symbol database corruption on your system. So I am wondering if when VB files have colouring, is all of the file coloured, or only some symbols? If somehow VA is only colouring some symbols then perhaps this is related to the C# symbol database problem we have seen. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2020 : 09:53:14 AM
As I can see, its mostly recognizing methods as such and coloring correctly, variables are bold, Symbols from the .NET Framework are mostly colored correctly too. Didnt really check thoroughly. can screenshot when it happens again. |
Whole Tomato Software
299 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2020 : 11:07:51 AM
Thank you for submitting the dump. What version of Visual Studio are you running? |
Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2020 : 11:46:06 AM
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.6.4 VisualStudio.16.Release/16.6.4+30309.148 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8.03752
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Visual C++ 2019 00435-60000-00000-AA238 Microsoft Visual C++ 2019
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Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2020 : 12:51:06 PM
For the Code Inspection process being listed, I have just tested VS2019 with a simple, pure C# solution, and the VaCodeInspectionsServer.exe shows up in the process list regardless, so its presence here doesn't actually tell us anything at all.
Hopefully the dump file will offer some clues.
As for the VB colouring problem, so much for that theory and guess.
How easily reproduced is this? If you just open your solution and open several VB files will you normally see some of them being coloured by VA? This may not be connected at all, but it's really strange and unexpected. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2020 : 1:11:40 PM
From what I can tell, what seems to trigger it when VS restarts because of lack of privileges to debug AND you had a debug session after that. But its not constant. Tried it a few times, but its not reproducable on demand. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2020 : 11:06:43 AM
How are you running the "base" process, the one that you want to attach to, to debug? Trying this from this angle, to see if it offers any clues, I am not asked to restart the IDE as administrator to just attach to a normally running program. So I am wondering if this is a factor somehow. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2020 : 11:21:35 AM
It depends if you are admin on your machine already or not AND if the app requires elevated privileges. My user is just a user, thats why VS requires me to restart as admin for some of my apps. More information here: |
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