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Ketchup Master

63 Posts

Posted - Jul 07 2020 :  12:32:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When using the Code Compare plugin with vis studio to do differences/merging, only the "result" file has the correct syntax coloring by VA.

I know Code Compare is not related to VA, however we are talking about the display of code that VA should be able to colorize properly and it looks like the only reason its not is that the file name is non-standard.

So for example when using tortoise svn the file names for a merge (3 way panel) are something like:


VS does not allow such non-standard file extensions to be associated to c++ in the options. Any solution to this?

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19137 Posts

Posted - Jul 08 2020 :  06:51:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How "reliable" are these extensions? This page explains how to enable VA for C++ with non standard file extensions:


but if the "right.r424" extension changes the number a lot this won't be that helpful. But it should work for the ".working" extension.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Ketchup Master

63 Posts

Posted - Jul 08 2020 :  12:45:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
yah as I said Visual Studio deems types like cpp.working as invalid and it does not let me add them.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19137 Posts

Posted - Jul 09 2020 :  06:48:36 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What settings have you added? Did you make sure you closed the IDE before editing the registry?

Testing this here, using VS2017 and VA 2382.0, I have done the following. I closed VS2017, then set the registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Whole Tomato\Visual Assist X\VANet15\ExtSource = ".c;.cpp;.cc;.cxx;.tli;.working;"

and in the IDE options dialog, I have added the extension "working" to the C++ extensions list.

After an IDE restart and VA symbol database rebuild VA is active in the .cpp.working test file I have here, and syntax colouring is being applied as normal.

You do need to close the IDE before editing the VA registry settings, because VA saves out its settings on exit, so can overwrite any edits you have made.

The same should work just fine for the .r424 extension, but this is why I asked how variable or fixed this extension is.

I haven't yet tested with the Code Compare plugin, just testing directly, so that might change things.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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