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 Typing /// inserts code
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Tomato Guru

427 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2020 :  1:45:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can't find this setting anywhere. Is it a VAX setting that typing /// injects a summary or outline of the function you're near?

Typing "///" above the "void" below produces this, and puts the cursor at the | symbol:

/// <summary>
/// |
/// </summary>
/// <param name="form"></param>
/// <param name="control"></param>
/// <param name="hdc"></param>
/// <param name="lrc"></param>
/// <param name="highlight"></param>
/// <param name="highlightColor"></param>
void function_name(SPtr1* form, SPtr2* control, HDC hdc, RECT* lrc, HBRUSH highlight, COLORREF highlightColor)

Edited by - foxmuldr on Jul 02 2020 1:46:43 PM

Tomato Guru

427 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2020 :  1:52:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think I may have found it. It's under Text Editor -> C# -> Advanced, "Generate XML documentation comments for ///. However, enable or disabling it in VS2019 16.6.3 makes no difference, even after closing the editor tab, or even after restarting VS.

Since I'm coding C++, it's odd that it would happen.

UPDATE: I've reported this as a bug to Visual Studio's feedback system.

Edited by - foxmuldr on Jul 02 2020 2:10:52 PM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19136 Posts

Posted - Jul 03 2020 :  04:58:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does disabling VA make any difference? If this was triggering a VA Snippet or Document Method command, then you should be getting a listbox / suggestion first that you have to accept to trigger the insert. But its possible you have found a bug in VA that is causing this somehow.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

427 Posts

Posted - Jul 03 2020 :  10:08:57 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by feline

Does disabling VA make any difference? If this was triggering a VA Snippet or Document Method command, then you should be getting a listbox / suggestion first that you have to accept to trigger the insert. But its possible you have found a bug in VA that is causing this somehow.

No. I tried that after I posted my original post, which is what prompted me to expand my search and find it under C#.

Initially, I searched through the Text Editor settings for C/C++ code and found nothing, so I concluded it was a VA thing. I searched VA settings and could not find it, so I came here asking about it. It then occurred to me to turn of VA and try it. I saw it still worked, so I expanded my search and searched for "///" in the settings area and found the C# reference and came back with my update.

Sometimes I'm slow. :-)

Edited by - foxmuldr on Jul 03 2020 10:10:05 AM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19136 Posts

Posted - Jul 03 2020 :  1:34:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you are not familiar with this C# behaviour, then it's really not obvious at all that /// should insert a formatted comment block for the current function. It was rather surprising when I first discovered it by accident in C#

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

427 Posts

Posted - Jul 03 2020 :  11:19:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by feline

If you are not familiar with this C# behaviour, then it's really not obvious at all that /// should insert a formatted comment block for the current function. It was rather surprising when I first discovered it by accident in C#

It's a bug I think because it never showed up until recently. In my code I write blocks like this:
// Some description
    // Code related to that goes here
    // And here, but real commands, not just comments

// Another section
    // And more code related to this section
    // Et cetera

I've coded that way for many years because I have dyslexia, and by using spatial cues and not just reading cues it makes it easier for me to "see" code.

It never used to do it. It's only recently started inserting those characters. And since it's a setting on the C# editor, and I'm editing mostly cpp and some c files, and no cs files, it should not be coming through. And, as I stated, even when I disabled it, it's still coming through. So, something's changed with 16.6.3 or maybe even 16.6.1 or .2 as I don't recall when it started doing it.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19136 Posts

Posted - Jul 04 2020 :  05:29:27 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Have you checked to see if this is a solution or file specific problem?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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