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Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2020 : 11:03:42 AM
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19060 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2020 : 11:47:51 AM
Is the italic coming from VA? If you turn Off:
VA Options -> Coloring and Attributes -> Show stable symbols in italics
does this stop these symbols being shown in italic?
Assuming this is C#, and taking the very simple example from:
I am not seeing any italic text from VA in the attribute line.
My first guess as to the two colours is that VA and IDE settings are set to different colours for something that ends up overlapping on these lines. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2020 : 12:01:30 PM
Yes, when I turn off the "Show system symbols in italic" its no longer italic. Its C#. But the point is not the italic, but the two different shades of greenish, "Attribute" beeing darker. Someone is coloring only a part of the symbol.
[DllImportAttribute("winspool.drv", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [return: MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool ClosePrinter([InAttribute()] System.IntPtr hPrinter);
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19060 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2020 : 12:24:14 PM
Agreed, but I asked about italic since importing some IDE settings you sent me for a previous bug report leaves all of the attribute symbols white, on a dark background, without anything italic at all. So I wanted to start somewhere.
Have you tried disabling VA? I have just created a new, default C# Windows Console solution using VS2019, and copied and pasted in this code above the "Main" function. This is a clean machine, VA has never been installed, and I have the mixed colours. No italic and no bold, but two tone symbols. So you should see the same with VA disabled. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Tomato Guru
2322 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2020 : 12:47:30 PM
You are absolutely right, this is a VS bug/feature. Even with VA disabled it is rendered like this. Funny though that VA renders the symbols bold in two colors. And when fully specified (System.Runtime.InteropServices.xxxAttribute), its rendered in one color only. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19060 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2020 : 05:40:02 AM
VA's colouring does try to cooperate with the IDE, rather than just overwriting it. Looks like we are cooperating particularly well here Still looks odd with one symbol in two different colours, but perhaps it is deliberate in this case. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
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