It'd be nice if snippets could be stored specific to one solution, as a file in the project. For example, we have a bunch of unreal specific snippets that would be useful to have in source control and available for everyone.
case=115667 is a feature request for solution-defined snippets and would follow the recent introduction of solution-defined Source Links settings.
There is a also a feature request for unreal snippets defined separately than C++ snippets (case=116267), but that is more of a placeholder request at this point.
Are you aware of shared snippets? These should help, since you could set up the common Unreal specific snippets and share them without impacting any personal snippets people have set up:
A related thought, if you start these snippets with a common prefix, perhaps "ue", this setting can help, making sure that snippets are suggested when the prefix is typed, to help people discover them: