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 Create Implementation fails when using lambdas
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Tomato Guru

337 Posts

Posted - Oct 29 2016 :  1:05:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I implemented a class with a few member functions. I then declared the following member function in the class in the header file:
CString strMap(CString strExtension);
Then I chose "Create Implementation" on the declaration from the context menu. The result was, that the implementation of the following member function (which is located in the cpp file):
void CExtensionMap::vFill(CStringArray &saExtensions)
    for(const auto& tExtensions : m_tExtVec)
        saExtensions.Add(std::accumulate(std::next(tExtensions.begin()),  // A
                                         tExtensions.end(),               // B
                                         tExtensions[0],                  // C
                                         [](const CString& a, const CString& b) { return a + _TCHAR(';') + b; }));
was turned into the following mess:
void CExtensionMap::vFill(CStringArray &saExtensions)
    for(const auto& tExtensions : m_tExtVec)
        saExtensions.Add(std::accumulate(std::next(tExtensions.begin()),  // A
                                         tExtensions.end(),               // B
                                         tExtensions[0],                  // C

                                         CString CExtensionMap::strMap(CString strExtension)


    [](const CString& a, const CString& b) { return a + _TCHAR(';') + b; }));
I declared strMap() directly after vFill(), so I expected that VA puts the implementation of strMap() behind vFill() and not inside vFill().

I just noticed that "Create Implementation" does not fail for me if I remove the comments A, B, and C.

I'm using Windows 7, VS2012, Build 2114

Edited by - khb on Oct 29 2016 3:45:37 PM

Whole Tomato Software

299 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2016 :  05:31:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello khb,

This issue is caused by the same root problem as bug report case 86888, so I have added your reproduction to the report.

Thank you for the clear description of the issue.
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