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 VA stops working after a Resharper C++ rename
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Posted - Nov 29 2015 :  8:41:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
VA version: 10.9.2076.0
Resharper C++ version: 10.0.1
Visual Studio 2015 Community
Windows 8.1
Resharper's C++ IntelliSense set to "Visual Studio" (so VA can work)

Everything works like a charm until you do a Resharper "in-place rename", the one which you edit directly inside the Visual Studio text editor, then VA stops working, no snippets, no suggestion, no nothing!

If the rename was performed by using the Resharper "rename dialog" (eg. try to rename a class member), everything is fine.

Also to note that this is not 100% reproducible, but it will die after a few (sometimes quite a few) tries.

And here is an interest fact: After VA dies, if I deselect "Include suggestions in listboxs" in VA Options, it suddenly reborns! And works as expected! However VA dies again if I re-select that option.

VA returns to normal after a restart of Visual Studio.

Also tested under VS2013, same problem.

(Hope my poor English didn't cause any confusion)

UPDATE: It's a lot easier to reproduce this problem if I work for a while (several minutes), then initiate Resharper's "in-place rename"

My life for Aiur!!!

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
3287 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2015 :  2:53:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have been playing with this for a while, but wasn't able to reproduce the problem, so far.

When this starts happening
- do you still get suggestion and member listboxes from Visual Studio?
- does it help if you reparse your file? (VAssistX -> Tools -> Reparse current file)
- does it help if you reopen just the file instead of restarting Visual Studio?
- what happens if you run find references on a member or a local symbol? does it work?
- are listboxes broken for all your files until you restart Visual Studio?

Can you please turn on logging, reproduce the problem and send in the log files? You find more about logging and how to send in the files, here:
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Whole Tomato Software

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Posted - Nov 30 2015 :  4:28:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I thought I had reproduced this problem, but I don't know any more.

With both VA and ReSharper C++ installed and active at the same time, are you actually seeing VA Snippets and suggestions being suggested when editing? For the first few seconds after loading VS2015 I see this, but then I only see big listboxes, which seem to be coming from ReSharper.

This was with default settings in both VA and ReSharper.

I then set:

ReSharper -> Options... -> Intellisense -> General -> Visual Studio

and now I don't see any listboxes at all when typing until I press CTRL-SPACE, dot, -> or ::

No suggestions or Snippets are coming up for me. Accord, how does this compare with what you are seeing?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Posted - Dec 01 2015 :  01:18:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was unable to enable logging, Visual Studio freezes after I clicked "Enable logging", and won't start if I change the registry key.

And for your question:
1.Yes, everything seems fine (If I disable VA)
4.Yes it works. In fact, not only find reference, rename/open file in solution/find symbol also works. Seems the only thing breaks is suggestion and listbox.

My life for Aiur!!!

Edited by - horeaper on Dec 01 2015 01:49:22 AM
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Posted - Dec 01 2015 :  01:40:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wait! I got it! Using the registry way, after waiting over 5 minutes, VS starts!

I was working on a Chinese Mahjong game so the symbol's naming may seems a little weird ^_^

Here is how I reproduce this problem:
Start Visual Studio
Load my solution, which is named "libmahjong"
Start editing the file "ResultChecker.h", added some variables, and copied something from "GameStatus.h"
Open "Tai_XZ.cpp"
Locate member function "Tai::LianQiDui"
Rename local variable "uCnt" to "cnt" using Resharper's rename
Type "if" to make sure, and it happens! No suggestion, no snippets, no listbox, no nothing!
Then I close Visual Studio.

Log was sent through "Contact Us", with subject named as "forum TOPIC_ID=12492"

My life for Aiur!!!
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Posted - Dec 01 2015 :  02:04:43 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Seems your way is let Resharper handles IntelliSense first, then switch it back to Visual Studio. I tried this, and it did reproduced this problem.

When Resharper controls everything, although I don't like how Resharper's IntelliSense works (it doesn't pre-select anything so I have to use Tab key everytime), it did work as expected. No VA snippets and suggestions when editing.

Then I switch IntelliSense to "Visual Studio" in Resharper's options, this problem happens. No suggestion, no snippets. If I disable VA, Visual Studio's suggestion and listbox works as expected.

Restarts Visual Studio, everything went back to normal, VA and Resharper both works as expected.

BTW Seems you noticed that after this problem happens, CTRL-SPACE, dot, -> and :: can still bring back a member list listbox, and VA's coloring and filtering do works in these listboxes.

My life for Aiur!!!
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
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Posted - Dec 01 2015 :  7:47:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for the information, you are right, I needed to restart the IDE before things would work correctly

I have now done this, and run some more tests on ReSharper's rename without a dialog, but so far I cannot reproduce your problem either. Hopefully the logs will help.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
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Posted - Dec 02 2015 :  3:04:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When you install Resharper and you use the default setting (=Resharper intellisense), Visual Assist detects whether a Resharper listbox is active or not. If active, Visual Assist disable its own listboxes (until VS restart) to avoid double listboxes: one from Resharper, one from Visual Assist.

Load my solution, which is named "libmahjong"

Where can I find this file?
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Senior Member

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Posted - Dec 03 2015 :  03:52:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Load my solution, which is named "libmahjong"
Where can I find this file?

It's a private (commercial) project so I can't share it, sorry!

My life for Aiur!!!

Edited by - horeaper on Dec 03 2015 03:53:02 AM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
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Posted - Dec 03 2015 :  1:11:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
*oh* I thought these are the steps to repro. Now I see what you meant. We will take a look at the log files.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
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Posted - Dec 03 2015 :  2:17:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I tried similar steps to yours but no luck. I have one more idea though: what Visual Assist tool windows do you keep open while you're typing? (e.g. VA Outline? VA View? others?)

Edited by - accord on Dec 03 2015 2:17:51 PM
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Posted - Dec 04 2015 :  05:57:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by accord

I tried similar steps to yours but no luck. I have one more idea though: what Visual Assist tool windows do you keep open while you're typing? (e.g. VA Outline? VA View? others?)


My life for Aiur!!!
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
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Posted - Dec 04 2015 :  4:04:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Can you please try exporting your VA, IDE and ReSharper settings, and sending them to us? Perhaps importing your settings will help us to reproduce this problem.

VA Options -> Performance -> Export Settings
IDE tools menu -> Import and Export Settings -> Export selected environment settings

It looks like you export ReSharper settings via:

IDE ReSharper menu -> Manage Options...
Right click "This computer" item and select "Export to File"

Please submit the files via the form:


including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Senior Member

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Posted - Dec 05 2015 :  10:06:23 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by feline

Can you please try exporting your VA, IDE and ReSharper settings, and sending them to us? Perhaps importing your settings will help us to reproduce this problem.

VA Options -> Performance -> Export Settings
IDE tools menu -> Import and Export Settings -> Export selected environment settings


My life for Aiur!!!
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Posted - Dec 22 2015 :  02:25:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tried the latest version 10.9.2086, same problem.

My life for Aiur!!!
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Dec 24 2015 :  01:30:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Finally able to reproduce, thank you for your patience and help here. The missing step was installing the Productivity Power Tools 2015 extension as well. Once I did this, I am also seeing the problem very easily:


zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Posted - Mar 16 2016 :  9:42:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by feline

Finally able to reproduce, thank you for your patience and help here. The missing step was installing the Productivity Power Tools 2015 extension as well. Once I did this, I am also seeing the problem very easily:


I was able to reproduce this problem in VA 10.9.2089 WITHOUT Productivity Power Tools installed (Uninstalled from my previous installation)

My life for Aiur!!!
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Posted - Mar 16 2016 :  11:01:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have some free time today so I decided to figure out exactly which extension in Productivity Power Tools (PPT) is causing the problem. After turning them off one by one, but still able to reproduce, I uninstalled the PPT. Still, BOOM!

I also found a new (very simple) way to emit the same problem:
0. Make sure VS is using "Microsoft Git Provider" source control plugin
1. Open a project which already versioned by Git, and has at least one commit
2. Wait for VA and Resharper to complete it's parsing
3. Open a file. rename a symbol using ReSharper's in-place rename
4. Right-click, Source Control -> Undo, Yes
5. BOOM!

This way, it doesn't matter if PPT is installed or not =_=
Tried it on my host machine (Win8.1) and virtual machine (Win10, which I mentioned in the e-mail), both VS2015; and another virtual machine (Win8.1 with VS2013, also without PPT), all using 10.9.2089, all BOOMs!
Note: On the VS2013 virtual machine, sometimes I don't even need to Undo.

My life for Aiur!!!
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Mar 17 2016 :  01:33:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Interesting, thank you for the update, I have added these steps to the case. Since you have found two ways of triggering the interaction, there may be other combinations of steps that also trigger this.

For now, trying to avoid the ReSharper in place rename is probably the best advice, if you are working in an environment that is prone to this problem.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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