Hi all,
I have the following code fragment:
namespace Traits3D {
using Triple = glm::dvec3;
using TripleVector = std::vector < Triple > ;
It seems, the suggestions for auto-completing have problems with these declarations:
When I start writing "Tr" I get bogus suggestions of the form 'Traits3DTripleVector'. I'm still getting the namespace 'Traits3D' and can drill down to TripleVector and if I'm doing so, the erroneous 'Traits3DTripleVector' is not longer present among the suggestions at the last level. But at the top-level it is and can be selected.
Turning using declarations (in particular the one for the vector) into typedefs seemingly corrects the problem, but is undesired in my case.
Visual Studio 2013 Prof. Update 4
VA 10.9.2059.0 (2015.02.11)