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 is msdev.exe renaming issue possible to "patch"
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Posted - Mar 01 2015 :  05:31:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear all,

I have a license for older version (license is valid for version up to Build 2031).
I'm working with legacy code and using VC++ 6 so I had to rename msdev.exe in order it to work on Win8.1. Now my VisualAssistX doesn't load.

I see there is a fix in Build 2036 "VC6: Fix for failure of VA to load on Windows 8 when msdev.exe is renamed. (case=81733)".

I know my licence expired, but please help me if you can. Is there possibility that I use some .dll from Build 2036 and use it with my Build 2031 and be able to work with msdev.exe renamed (or maybe registry settings if not dll)?

Thank you in advance

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19137 Posts

Posted - Mar 02 2015 :  10:54:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Unfortunately no, this is not controlled by any registry settings, we had to make changes inside VA to work around the renamed msdev.exe problem, and the changes are not something you can simply back port to an older version like this.

If you have a valid license for an older version of Windows you could set up a virtual machine, perhaps with Windows 7 or Windows XP and install VC6 there.

Alternatively you could try downloading and installing our latest version, which will then run in a trial mode, to see if this fixes your problem.


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