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 'Create Implementation' for multiple functions?
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Junior Member

23 Posts

Posted - Feb 18 2015 :  9:40:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just found out about the 'Create Implementation' feature, so I may have missed this option, but it'd be great if I could highlight a bunch of functions and then have an implementation created for each in the corresponding .cpp file, in their correct order (both relative to each other and relative to the other functions in the class declaration).

This would make my life so much simpler; I often write a few declarations at once and thus then have to 'implement' them one by one.


EDIT: As an aside, is there a keybind for 'Create Implementation' or an easy way to create one? Thanks again!

Edited by - HateDread on Feb 18 2015 9:45:56 PM

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19141 Posts

Posted - Feb 18 2015 :  10:57:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Place the caret into the class name, and you can trigger Create Method Implementations from here, and VA will show you a dialog, listing all of the functions that do not yet have implementations. You can then select which functions you want to create.

For a keyboard shortcut, you can use Alt-Shift-Q to trigger the refactoring context menu, which will list available refactoring commands. Or you can use the IDE settings to map a keyboard shortcut to the command "VAssistX.RefactorCreateImplementation"

So long as you are using the latest version of VA, build 2059, the implementations should be in a useful order and placement within the cpp file. This is something we have improved in this build.

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