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New Member

9 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 08:38:02 AM
VA with a solution with 672 projects and around 220k files uses around 3.5GB memory. Without VA, the memory usage is 1.8GB. VA can't really be used in this setup as I keep hitting the upper boundaries before OOM with Visual Studio 2013 Pro. Any tips to reduce the almost 2GB extra used by VA? I've used VA for over 10 years and would like to continue. |
Edited by - pettern on Dec 01 2014 08:38:28 AM |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19140 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 3:20:57 PM
As a first test, can you please try pressing the button:
VA Options -> Performance -> Rebuild symbol databases
and restarting your IDE. Reparsing everything may take several minutes, but it may help with this problem. I have the feeling I have seen this fix very high memory usage problems on occasion. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
New Member

9 Posts |
Posted - Dec 02 2014 : 06:10:21 AM
Seems stable at 2.4GB now, so unless it rises significantly, it seems to fix it. Thanks. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19140 Posts |
Posted - Dec 02 2014 : 1:26:27 PM
Thank you for the update, I am glad that this has helped, hopefully this will stay fixed. If you have any more problems then please let us know, and I will do everything I can to help. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Junior Member
13 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 09:55:03 AM
Hi, I have the same issue with a more reasonable sln (about 67 projects) but with lots of files, about 6MLoc C++ codebase.
Without VA, I top at around 1.2Gb of mem usage under VS2012. With VA on, it gets around 3.2Gb and crashes randomly whenever I use VS2012 (for compiling, for editing, etc). I've tried Rebuilding the symbol databases to no avail. Intelisense is disabled. I have enough space on my C:.
I've enabled the log and va.log ends in lots of ERROR: HashTbl::AddReserve CMemoryException (150000) (I suppose before VS2012 crashes)
Any ideas? (I guess I could hand you the .logs and .dmp)
I'm using VAX 10.9.2048 |
Edited by - _FKS_ on Feb 23 2015 10:31:09 AM |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19140 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 1:18:40 PM
Apologies for this, clearly this is not what is supposed to happen.
Can you please try upgrading to VA 2059, our latest version. Studying logs and mini dumps is always slightly easier if you are using the current version, and there is a small chance this will help.
My first thought is a corrupt VA symbol database, but since you have tried rebuilding that seems to rule that out.
If you are able to load VA's Find Symbol dialog, how many symbols does it show, with:
Find Symbol dialog -> Show only symbols defined in current solution = On Find Symbol dialog -> Only classes, structs & namespaces = Off
hopefully this will give another perspective on the size of your solution.
I have a test solution with 531,000 symbols, and my VS2012 memory usage is under a gig.
VA logs and a mini dump of the crash would certainly be of interest, please submit the files via the form:
including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up.
As a temporary work around, turning Off
VA Options -> Performance -> Parse all files when opening a project
or setting:
IDE tools menu -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable Database = True
might help. The idea here is to limit parsing by either VA or the IDE, to try and reduce the memory load. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Junior Member
13 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 3:08:41 PM
Indeed if I turn off "parsing all files" at startup, the problem goes away. "Disable Database" was already set to True. Find symbol says about 1.6M symbols (this is while VA_X is parsing)
I've upgraded to VA2059 and I still got the same issue (after a Clean and Rebuild database)
I've sent the .logs through the support link, however the crash is random and probably not of much use, as this sounds like a memory leak of some sort.
I've confirmed that the "ERROR: HashTbl::AddReserve CMemoryException (150000)" message shows in the log as soon as the process memory reaches 3.2Gb. Whenever that happens, the VS2012 statusbar stops updating.
Thanks again! |
Edited by - _FKS_ on Feb 23 2015 3:19:55 PM |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19140 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 5:58:53 PM
I have the log files, thank you for these, I have replied via email. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
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