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 To offer VA's own find-text function
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Tomato Guru

346 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2013 :  9:23:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
VA should offer VA's own find-text function integrating VS's increasing-find(Ctrl+I) and vs's find(Ctrl+F) which utilizes find-symbol powerful search rule.

I use Ctrl+I very frequently,I consider it a very good function which can navigate to the first match immediately.But I also find it shortcoming.

(1)case-sensitive and match must exactly.If I wrong type the letter's case or missing middle letter. it fails.
To deal with this is so easy by use VA's find-symbol search edit-control.
(2)can't select the scope. which only find in current file. May I want to find the text in the project-scope.like that in find-text of vs.

That 's will be powerful and be amazing for coder using vs or va.
consider it!


And BTW,don't forget to put Previous & Next button for navigating multi-matches.

Creation come from persist!

Edited by - jzq740176597 on Oct 30 2013 9:28:01 PM

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19137 Posts

Posted - Oct 31 2013 :  1:48:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ctrl-I uses the same settings for case sensitive and match whole word as Ctrl-F does. So just change these settings in the IDE Find dialog, to change how Ctrl-I works.

Once you have done you find via Ctrl-I, press Ctrl-F and the search term you just used should be the default search term, so you can now set the find scope you want, file or project.

The Find Symbol dialog filtering lets you use several different search terms, in any order, and exclude terms as well. To use these rules we need a "thing" to search. This works in the find symbol dialog, since the "thing" is the symbol name. Doing a free text search, we don't have "things", we just have the entire file. Plus this won't give you the fast "instant search" you want, since we would need the entire search string before we could start thinking about it.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

346 Posts

Posted - Oct 31 2013 :  8:57:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Doing a free text search, we don't have "things", we just have the entire file. Plus this won't give you the fast "instant search" you want, since we would need the entire search string before we could start thinking about it

Exactly!The scope-select may be really un-resonable.
But a little different.
We do have G?things",Yes! that's the entire file tokens as "entire search items " and the caret pos is the start-point!

Like "The Find Symbol dialog filtering lets you use several different search terms, in any order, and exclude terms as well"

this entire file's tokens is the "search terms" for filtering,high-light all matches and locate the first after current-pos.
That's it!

Creation come from persist!

Edited by - jzq740176597 on Oct 31 2013 8:58:22 PM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19137 Posts

Posted - Oct 31 2013 :  9:45:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What do you mean by a "file tokens"? Do you mean every word / symbol in the entire file? Lines? Paragraphs? Something else?

I don't yet understand what you are trying to achieve here, or how the scope is supposed to be set.

Can you please post an example of what you mean. An example search term, an example of what will be searched, and how it will be searched. The Find symbol dialog applies its search to the full symbol name, which can be "class_name::method_name". There we are searching a well defined list. Searching a file is not quite the same thing.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness

Edited by - feline on Oct 31 2013 9:47:26 PM
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Tomato Guru

346 Posts

Posted - Nov 01 2013 :  04:23:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What do you mean by a "file tokens"? Do you mean every word / symbol in the entire file? Lines? Paragraphs? Something else?

I mean every word (not only symbol)in the entire file.That's the well defined list for searching.

or how the scope is supposed to be set.

May I don't make myself clear. Following my way,scope is fixed in the current-file.no need and no supply to select the scope.

And with IDE's find-text and why need this function?

>To take advantage of Find symbol dialog seaching function(it's awesome) and to locate the word(not only symbol) roughly and fast!

Thanks for fast reply!

Creation come from persist!

Edited by - jzq740176597 on Nov 01 2013 04:24:46 AM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19137 Posts

Posted - Nov 01 2013 :  10:54:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In your first post you talked about different scope, so I am still trying to understand what you are after here.

To type anything "clever" like this, VA is likely to show a dialog box. So why not just use the IDE find dialog box in wildcard or even regular expression mode? You can get a similar result very easily.

Instead of using "foo bar" in the VA find symbol dialog, just do a find for "foo*bar" in wildcard mode. I am not sure what you want that the IDE find dialog does not already do.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

346 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2013 :  7:48:59 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Maybe you're right,I will try,I just very like the VA's filter function ,I mean,it's powerful and I'm very familiar with it.

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