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Ketchup Master
Czech Republic
66 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 02:44:40 AM
Hello, when I find a text, e.g. "set" in this example, VAX doesn't refresh all matches until I click somewhere in the editor. Another long-lasting problem is highlighting during scrolling up/down (new results are highlighted correctly, but with a lag -- you usually think there's no match, but there is actually you'll notice a moment later)
Thanks, Petr [VS 2012]
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 2:35:44 PM
Strange. So far I cannot reproduce this effect here, using VS2012 and VA 2001. How exactly are you doing the find? Ctrl-F, Ctrl-I, or some other method? Does changing the method make any difference?
Do you have:
IDE tools menu -> Options -> Environment -> General -> Enable rich client visual experience IDE tools menu -> Options -> Environment -> General -> Use hardware graphics acceleration if available
turned On or Off? Does changing either of these settings make any difference?
Are you using a local machine or are you connecting via some form of remote desktop? |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Ketchup Master
Czech Republic
66 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 03:16:06 AM
I'm using VS2012, VA2001 as well. Both checkboxes are enabled on my computer (including parent's checkbox: "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client computer"). I tried to disable all three checboxes, restarted VS2012, but it didn't help. I use a local machine, notebook in the docking station. Same with both Ctrl+F and Ctrl+I.
Does it help if you type "set" fast? Because if I type is slowly, it works correctly. I also noticed it depends where your cursor is.
Download example: Click inside structure, press Ctrl+F and type "set" fast. Video: |
Edited by - pk_asw on Oct 22 2013 03:19:42 AM |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 1:20:50 PM
Thank you for the sample code, now I know I am using the same test as you, but still no sign of this effect here. The video file won't play here, I am not sure why, either a corrupt download or more likely a codec problem.
Can you please export your VA and IDE settings and send them to me:
VA Options -> Performance -> Export Settings IDE tools menu -> Import and Export Settings -> Export selected environment settings
I can then import them here and see if I can reproduce the problem. Please submit the files via the form:
including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 4:18:04 PM
I have the settings and the movie, thank you for these, case=77942
I have made some progress here, I can reproduce part of the problem, but not the full problem.
Using your sample code, I press CTRL-F, and then type "set" into the IDE Find dialog. While the Find dialog is still open, and docked in the top right hand corner of the editor window, both the strings "se" and "set" are highlighted in the editor. As soon as I close the IDE Find dialog only the string "set" is highlighted.
Your video has the IDE find dialog open the full time you are showing the problem. Plus I am not seeing just "s" highlighted, so I am still not seeing exactly the same thing.
Are you seeing this extra highlighting once the IDE Find dialog has been closed? I am wondering if what I am seeing is even related.
If you look at:
IDE Tools menu -> Extensions and Updates...
what extensions are listed on you system? On a full install of VS2012 with VA I have the following extensions listed:
Microsoft Web Developer Tools NuGet Package Manager Visual Assist X Visual Studio Extensions for Windows Library for JavaScript
If you have a different list, extra extensions installed, that might be a factor. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Ketchup Master
Czech Republic
66 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 3:27:13 PM
Thanks for your feedback.
I use only standard extensions: - NuGet Package Manager 2.0.30625.9003 - Visual Assist X 10.8.2001.0 - Visual Studio Extensions for Windows Library for JS 1.0.9200.20602
I see highlighted "s" only when I have active cursor inside NGTOOL_DBG_SETTINGS structure (from my example.cpp, link is above), i.e. just click at the end of "PBOOL pbValue;" line. If I click somewhere else, I can see both "se" and "set" highlighted (same as you). When I close Find dialog, "se" + "set" results are still highlighted, "se" results are cleared when I press any key. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 2:33:50 PM
Bizarre! I am now seeing just "s" being highlighted, when I place my caret at the end of the correct line. This really is unexpected.
How are you closing the IDE find dialog? I have been using the keyboard to close it, which has been updating the highlighting for me, but using the mouse to press the X button on the top right hand corner of the IDE find dialog, to close it, is leaving the extra, and invalid highlighting present in the file. Is this what you are doing?
But even doing this, as soon as I press the down arrow once to move the caret in the file the highlighting is updated, and only the correct matches are highlighted. Is this what you are seeing? Or is this effect more stable for you?
I have put in a bug report for what I am seeing here:
For your other point, of a slight delay in highlighting find results when scrolling, the delay should be small, but colouring code while scrolling is a little tricky, since everything is literally a moving target. If you want to search for the find references then I would suggest F3, since this jumps to the next find result in the file. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Ketchup Master
Czech Republic
66 Posts |
Posted - Oct 29 2013 : 08:52:34 AM
Great! You're right, when you close Find dialog, do a mouse click, or press any key, highlighted results are corrected. The only problem is the first time when "set" results are found (I see lot of partial highlights: "s", "se", "set" and I don't really see where "set" results are located).
As for delay problem, when e.g. "set" is highlighted and I scroll down, it's confusing "set" results are highlighted with delay, because when I don't see anything highlighted I think there's no match -- but there's actually, a moment ago. I didn't have such problem when I was using VS2008 (~1/2yr ago, I guess). It was very fast. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19137 Posts |
Posted - Oct 29 2013 : 5:46:45 PM
The methods for colouring have changed over the years, and in different IDE's, which might be a factor here.
Are you seeing this delay to colouring in small files as well as large files, or does it only really show up as a factor in large files? |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
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