This looks similar to topic 10521 but I have a simple repro case. I'm using VAX 10.6.1862.0.
I am unable to use Alt+G with the cursor over a property function declaration in the .h file. It will not offer to take me to the .cpp file. Using F12 does offer the .cpp file but I prefer to use Alt+G whenever possible.
VS2010 Steps:
1. File > New > Project... Visual C++, CLR. Name it VAXTest
2. Vaxtest.h
// VAXTest.h
#pragma once
using namespace System;
namespace VAXTest {
public ref class Class1
property String^ Caption { String^ get(); }
3. VAXTest.cpp
// This is the main DLL file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "VAXTest.h"
String^ VAXTest::Class1::Caption::get()
return "Testing 123...";
4. In the .cpp file, VAssistX > Tools > Reparse Current File just to be sure.
5. In the .h file put cursor on get() and press Alt+G
I only get suggestions from our global boost headers.