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 Hope to accept the suggestion more fast
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Tomato Guru

345 Posts

Posted - Nov 11 2011 :  05:05:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hope a way to accept the needed item from seggestion list-Box more fast and convenient.I have used VA for 3 years,there is no doubt that VA speeds I write code so much!
But Now I think the speed bottleneck appears at selecting item from the list-Box.No matter we use Tab or Enter to accept seggestion,and even though have only 3 or 4 items in the list_box,to enter up-down arrow to select item one-by-one,and the right hand move to arrow button partion and after finish,then come back to the letters-partion of keyboard do important contribution to slow down the speed writing code.Sometimes I even Want have 2 right-hand to avoid moving between arrow and letters-partion.
Just think about it,if we can accept the needed item an the first glance at the constantly changing seggestion list-Box.Wow!What kind of speed we will experience.
(1)My thought is that take advantage of the num-buttons,when press either num 0-9 and while the list_box is visible and the num with the input string can match a valid symbol current reside,then deal the num as index,if the index is valid I mean it's smaller than the num of items in list_box.Accept the item according the index num .
(2)Or another method we can take is that when press the num,only selecting the corresponding item if num is in the valid range.you can press Enter or Tab to accept it.late if you enter the same num again,in Editor input it as before.If you enter other num then select the new item.
Donot worry about this mode will lead the user to complain of disturbing normal num input.In fact,you team can do some experiment,When writing code,the situation need literal digit and that using it to select item rapidly really don't conflict!
Anyway,it's can also add a check option in the accept mode below Tab and Enter in setting Dlg.But to find a solution to select item fast is necessary!Hope can achieve it!Best wishes!

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
3287 Posts

Posted - Nov 11 2011 :  7:47:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One concern that I have is the case when the symbols have numbers in it, like:

1 GetSymbol
2 GetNumber
3 GetOrange
4 GetApple
5 GetMobile3G
6 GetMobile4G

So when I type Get and press 3 I would end up with 2 items:
3 GetOrange
5 GetMobile3G
because of the acronym support.

Personally when I don't want to use the down arrow I use acronyms so I get the exact result. You can also use partial word like gen to get GetNumber.
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Tomato Guru

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Posted - Nov 13 2011 :  9:07:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You don't fully understand what I mean.Continue with your sample:
1 GetSymbol
2 GetNumber
3 GetOrange
4 GetApple
5 GetMobile3G
6 GetMobile4G

when you type Get and press 3 and no matter whether you have acronyms on,if the "Get" and "3"can match any item currently supplied in the list.The treat the typed "3" as normal type,not select signal.Type and refine,select item in the list as before.Otherwise,the digital input will be treated as select cmd.it's completely reasonable.Your team can have a test.
In the sample,and in many cases,Why not I have finded which I want in the 5-6 items list-Box.I have to type more to refine the list and until choose it or press Arrow more times to get it.
The VA's task is to find matches and list them,it's user's duty to choose which he need.what VA should do is to supply a fast way!Speed!That's what the user really needed.So Please Consider it!

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19078 Posts

Posted - Nov 14 2011 :  6:38:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We are considering doing something like this:


For a suggestion listbox, typing "3" might change the listbox content, and make items that have "3" inside of their names appear. For member listboxes, where new items will not appear as you type this should work. So the original suggestion was Ctrl+number, so CTRL-3 to accept the 3rd item, so it could be used in suggestion listboxes as well.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

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Posted - Nov 14 2011 :  8:45:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I feel very exciting you team can achieve this feature.
Yes,just like what you say.Type 3 as my recommend is really a little ambiguous.But I am not agree with Ctrl+3 mode.
You should have a test,put you hands on the right place on keyborad respectively,when type sth,and suggestion appear,do you feel convenient to move you hand and press Ctrl with 3.
Answer is No,So this solution is not very suitable,don't forget the original objective is to aspire speed.If press key is unconvenient,it's impossible.
why not use F* key(F1,F2,F3..),It's convenient and comfortable to press,needn't to move hand.Also void the ambiguous result.
If F* key attach some IDE cmd,only to make sense when the seggest list-box disappears.So when the seggest list-box is on,F* key press treat as select item.How about this?
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19078 Posts

Posted - Nov 15 2011 :  11:19:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Personally I would say that Ctrl plus a number was quick and easy, since in the time it will take me visually to count down the list and decide if I want the 3rd or 5th item I can have moved my fingers the small distance to the control key. I am a very keyboard focussed person, doing as much as I sensibly can with the keyboard, and avoiding the mouse.

I have put a note on the case about using the function keys. I am not sure if they can be picked up reliably when a listbox is open, but maybe they can.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

345 Posts

Posted - Nov 15 2011 :  8:49:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am a very keyboard focussed person, doing as much as I sensibly can with the keyboard, and avoiding the mouse.

Yes,me too!Because moving hand to mouse and come back is a waste of time and inefficient.
Personally I would say that Ctrl plus a number was quick and easy

Perhaps!when press ctrl+3,put forefinger on 3 and thumb on Ctrl,The left hand is not in good posture or go against the instant and continuous input.so please give function keys a second thought.Ctrl+3,not only attach some IDE cmds but also some desktop small tools use this kind of Accelerator Key to activate.
Taking Function keys will not effect their original function bacause no-user will do interactions with IDE while suggestion list-box is active.
Recommend doing some actual test.Consider it please!Thanks!
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Tomato Guru

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Posted - Nov 19 2011 :  04:39:08 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I want to know the progress-?-?And wonder what your team's decision.Because I'm very concerned about this function.tell me please!
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Tomato Guru

126 Posts

Posted - Nov 21 2011 :  12:35:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm having a hard time understanding the purpose of this request.

If you have turned on 'Allow Acronyms and Shorthand' and 'Prefer Acronym matches', then...

If you type the 3 letters 'get' and are returned a list like:


then all you have to type is the 3 for 'GetMobile3G', the 4 for 'GetMobile4G', N and S for 'GetNumberSecondary', N and T for 'GetNumberTertiary'.

Actually if I knew ahead of time I was going for something like 'GetNumberTertiary' I would never type 'get' at all, but instead something like 'gnt'.

I never use the arrow keys with selection lists and am able to get the selection I want really quickly by typing characters that are unique to the selection desired.

Edited by - Nobodo on Nov 21 2011 12:41:16 PM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19078 Posts

Posted - Nov 21 2011 :  6:25:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
jzq740176597, this is in our list of features to consider, but no further progress has been made yet. This may take several months to get done, or it may take a lot longer. I can see an advantage to this, but it is not obviously something that is going to be of massive benefit to a large percentage of our users.

You are right about keyboard shortcuts clashing with other tools, but this applies to any keyboard shortcut you might suggest. My Microsoft keyboard has a button to turn "off" all of the function keys, so that F2 always does Undo, and F6 closes a window. Not much use in the IDE, but this just supports your point, we cannot assume any keyboard shortcut is automatically available on every system. This is why you can configure most keyboard shortcuts in the IDE options dialog.

Nobodo, I use your method, but there will be times, and listboxes, where pressing a keyboard shortcut for the 5th item in the listbox will be faster than filtering the listbox to get that item. How common this is will partly depend on your code base and code style, so I can see how this would help sometimes. Its one of those features where it is hard to second guess just how widely used it would really be.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

345 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2011 :  12:20:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nobodo and feline,at first thank for reply.I have read you reply carefully for several times.
I admit that the users's need is infinite.
(1)Nobodo,your method is right,VA has this support already.But the user always want to take a more intuitional way.
Follow you sample:

when I type "get" and I want the 7th GetMobile3G,how many people will to think about finding out a letter that can refine the list effectively.This sample I get "G",the user must have a guess that when type "G" and what kind of refined list.
OK.Here I Can get "GetMobile3G GetMobile4G" 2 items.So I can choose needed one.But if have "GetMobile3G GetMobile4G GetMobile5G GetMobile6G",I need a another type letter that can sufficiently to pick the needed item or refine the list again.
These symbols are easy,the real code have longer and more similar symbols.Even though only usual 4 items suggestion list,like(want the 4th)

I doubt that the user can easily figure out a distinguishing letter to get the item which wanted.An"a",No!A "b" perhaps No.The user cann't predict the result,And unwilling to try once for each hitting letter,if failed then needed come back again.
So the user choose the and direct way.
(1)They hope the VA can filter the candidate symbols more fuzzy and can supply more valid ones,in this case,the user can be reminded by VA and find out the needed symbol.
(2)the user can choose the one he see in the list in a intuitional manner,by Pressing Arrow or something else.
Yes,from the view of the software developer,it's perhaps enough and really supply the method to satify some requirements-?-?but stand in user's perspective,or pay more attention about the details of function,the supplied functions may some points not suited or convenient for user to utilize.It's maybe really have more room ro improve.
I still hope your team all can cautiously consider this function.And If you can find out more creative solution,I would be very happy.

Creation come from persist!
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Tomato Guru

345 Posts

Posted - Nov 26 2011 :  11:47:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Any one can give me a reply?
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19078 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2011 :  11:12:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What sort of reply do you want? You have made a good case for this feature, and I have put in a feature request. Unfortunately we have a lot of feature requests to consider, along with a large number of bug reports to look into, so this feature may take some time to be added, if it is ever added.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

126 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2011 :  1:44:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by feline

Nobodo, I use your method, but there will be times, and listboxes, where pressing a keyboard shortcut for the 5th item in the listbox will be faster than filtering the listbox to get that item. How common this is will partly depend on your code base and code style, so I can see how this would help sometimes. Its one of those features where it is hard to second guess just how widely used it would really be.

I can only speak for myself, but personally I would never use this and would hope that if it is to be implemented that the performance hit it creates in large solutions would be carefully analyzed. This is smack dab in the area that could easily cause typing slowdowns and performance problems since it would have to be tested on each keystroke.

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19078 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2011 :  7:22:04 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What performance hit are you thinking about? If we assume you use Ctrl+3 to accept the 3rd item, and so on, then we just know that when the keyboard shortcut is detected, we can simply accept the listbox.

We have to watch all keyboard activity while showing and filtering a listbox already, to actually filter the listbox. I would expect that accepting the n'th item in a listbox to be a lot less work than filtering the listbox, and updating the suggestions to reflect the new typing history.

So I wonder if I am overlooking something obvious here.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

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Posted - Nov 28 2011 :  9:05:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What sort of reply do you want?

I actually want to know about what kind of mode you take to achieve this.Now I know perhaps you have many candidate mode to pick up and consider. But I can be sure about that it's nessary.hope you achieve it earlier.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19078 Posts

Posted - Nov 29 2011 :  11:27:52 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have put a note onto the case about using the function keys here. It will partly depend on which keys can be easily and sensibly captured while showing a listbox. Since we support multiple IDE's, this can complicate things further.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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