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 Multiple things not working correctly
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Dusty Lane
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Posted - Dec 19 2024 :  1:22:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A few days ago, multiple things in VA stopped working correctly.

The first thing I noticed was Open File in Solution was not showing any results, even when searching a simple word like "actor".
Eventually, I noticed was the text colors taking much longer to switch to the VA colors, or sometimes not at all.

Earlier in the day, it was working fine. The only notable thing that I did that day was regenerating my sln file for my UE4 project.

I figured since my VA extension was from 2019 that it was time that I updated. So I purchased the latest version of VA yesterday.
But this did not fix my problem. I've tried reinstalling VA, but with no luck. As of this morning, the VA text colors never show up.

How can I fix this?

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19085 Posts

Posted - Dec 19 2024 :  3:40:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Which IDE and version of VA are you using?

Is the Open File in Solution dialog working again, or is it still not working? If the OFIS dialog is having a problem, are you seeing any files listed before doing the search? What if you search for something that is visible in the dialog when you first open the dialog, so you can see what happens?

Is VA applying its syntax colouring to the Alt-M list? VA Outline? VA View? Find References Results? I am assuming you have turned on VA syntax highlighting outside of the editor for this test. Sometimes something stops VA colouring working in the editor, but it still works elsewhere. So this is a good test to try and see what is happening here.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Dusty Lane
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Posted - Dec 19 2024 :  4:55:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oops. Sorry, I knew better than that.

I'm using VS Community 2019. Also, 2022 has the same behavior.
I don't remember the old version of VA that I was using, but I will try to find that out.
Currently I'm using:

VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2537.0 built 2024.10.27
DevEnv.exe version 16.11.35425.106 Community
msenv.dll version 16.0.35026.282
Comctl32.dll version 6.10.22621.4541
Windows 11 11.0 23H2 Build 22631

OFIS is still not working. There are no files listed before searching.
But, if I uncheck "Show only files in current solution" it shows me only 10 files listed as being in an external project. But these 10 files are in my current project and there should be a couple hundred more.

Coloring works in the Alt+M list and in VA Outline. In VA View the window, there is nothing at all. I just see the [Files in Solution] and [Symbols in Solution] tabs, but nothing within those. Find references results have no coloring.

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19085 Posts

Posted - Dec 20 2024 :  10:58:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As a first test, can you please show the OFIS dialog, then right click, and make sure you have turned On:

Open File in Solution dialog -> Right Click -> Display edit control for persistent filter

also turn OFF:

Open File in Solution dialog -> Right Click -> Apply persistent filter

is anything set in the persistent filter field? Does turning off using the persistent filter make any difference?

It seems unlikely this is the problem, but it would explain why this dialog isn't showing any files.

Are you opening a Visual Studio solution, so you have a SLN file, or are you opening a folder?

What programming language or languages does your solution use?

Do you see any of these problems in a new, default C++ or C# solution? Its possible the problems are solution specific after all.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Dusty Lane
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Posted - Dec 20 2024 :  3:44:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Along with my existing UE4 & VS 2019 project, I just created 2 more new projects - one with UE4 and VS 2019, the other with UE5 and VS 2022.

Enabled: Display edit control for persistent filter
Disabled: Apply persistent filter
Nothing set in persistent filter field. (I typed and cleared to see if a refresh may help, but it didn't)

I waited about 30 minutes in case there was some latent issue. The results for each project are:
- Editor, Alt+M, and all views now have coloring.
- Editor views have coloring, but it varies and is inconsistent:

- In original project (UE4 & VS 2019), I just witnessed one header with full editor VA colors suddenly revert to VS colors.
It seemed as if editor colors started to load, but not there are no VA colors in my original project.

- In the other 2 new projects (UE4 and VS 2019, UE5 and VS 2022), I have editor coloring, but in the source file things are loading lazily.
For example, in my source file, if i reference some engine type or function, I have to go to its declaration in the engine subproject for it to load coloring. But that's normal, right?

In all 3 projects:
- There are still no results in OFIS, whether typed or left blank.

I am opening each project via sln file.
Project uses 99% C++, then there are default target and build C# files.
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Dusty Lane
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Posted - Dec 21 2024 :  12:10:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I started up the project today and everything was suddenly working again.
OFIS showed all files instantly upon opening it.
All coloring was filling in quickly.

The only notable thing I did yesterday was I reinstalled a PS5 SDK and ran a build for it...
Any thoughts on this?
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19085 Posts

Posted - Dec 23 2024 :  09:10:01 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Have you rebooted along side reinstalling the SDK?

Do you normally work with a single instance of Visual Studio open, or several instances?

We have quite a lot of users working with Unreal Engine, and I have both UE 4 and UE 5 installed here, with test projects for both, and have never seen these problems. So its not as simple as automatically happening with Unreal Engine.

At a wild guess, its almost like VA is having problems writing or reading its symbol database. But I am not sure why that would happen. Are you short of hard drive space on any of your drives? By default VA's symbol database is stored under %LOCALAPPDATA%, which is normally on C drive, but you can change this location via the setting:

VA Options -> Performance -> Use alternate directory for symbol database (requires restart)

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Dusty Lane
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Posted - Dec 27 2024 :  12:00:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I did reboot after installing. I had rebooted several times over a couple days after trying various things.

I normally work with a single instance.

Originally posted by feline

At a wild guess, its almost like VA is having problems writing or reading its symbol database. But I am not sure why that would happen. Are you short of hard drive space on any of your drives? By default VA's symbol database is stored under %LOCALAPPDATA%, which is normally on C drive, but you can change this location via the setting:

VA Options -> Performance -> Use alternate directory for symbol database (requires restart)

Interesting. I will do this then. Thank you for all your help!
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19085 Posts

Posted - Dec 27 2024 :  12:22:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's a wild guess to be honest. VERY occasionally over the years, I have seen anti-virus block access to VA's symbol database directory. It is rare, but it does cause all sorts of odd problems.

Rebooting helping seems more likely, but again, just guesses without some facts to help make sense of this.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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