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 Critical error at startup

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MythTitans Posted - Dec 20 2024 : 09:30:52 AM

I just upgraded to Visual Studio 17.12.3 and also wanted to upgrade Visual Assist as well but I am getting an error message "A critical error occurred while initializing Visual Assist." and Visual Studio closes after a few seconds.

I tried reinstalling Visual Studio completly but it didn't fix the problem, so tried downgrading Visual Assist version from 2024.8, and the first that worked without error is 2024.1.

Does anyone know what could be the problem ?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Dec 31 2024 : 12:41:37 PM
I have put in a bug report for this. Our developers can see how the crash is happening from the dump file, but we don't yet understand why it is happening:


I have done a clean install of VS2022, using your configuration file, and imported your IDE settings. I have the same version of VS2022 installed here, the same extensions, but so far no sign of any problems. So we are not sure what the trigger is, even though we know the VA version matters.

Knowing if this is somehow solution specific would certainly be interesting.
feline Posted - Dec 31 2024 : 07:35:10 AM
I have the dump file, and the settings, many thanks for this. The call stack in the crash dump shows the crash, starting with VA trying to load your project. So that makes sense, since this is when the problem is happening.

Can you please try making a new, default C++ solution, and see if you can load this? I assume you have moved back to the older, working version of Visual Assist in your default profile, and have the latest, crashing version of Visual Assist in the test profile. If not, I would suggest doing this, so we can run some tests while I study this problem, while making sure you can work normally.

It is possible the problem is solution specific, so this test will tell us this quite quickly.

I am going to try and set up a similar test situation here, the same Visual Studio install and installed extensions, and see what results I get.
MythTitans Posted - Dec 28 2024 : 07:53:04 AM
Yes the safe mode loads correctly. And when not using the safe mode, the error happen only when I load a solution or I click on "Continue without code".

Here is the last crashdump that was generated : https://file.io/WAHV9FYoGiik

Here are the infos from the IDE :

Microsoft Visual Studio Community�2022
Version 17.12.3
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.8.09037

Version install�e : Community

Visual C++�2022   00482-90000-00000-AA949
Microsoft Visual C++�2022

Adaptateur de test pour Boost.Test   1.0
Permet d'utiliser les outils de test de Visual Studio avec des tests unitaires �crits pour Boost.Test. Les conditions d'utilisation et les mentions tierces sont disponibles dans le r�pertoire d'installation de l'extension.

Adaptateur de test pour Google Test   1.0
Active l'utilisation des outils de test de Visual Studio avec les tests unitaires �crits pour Google Test. Les conditions d'utilisation et les notifications tierces sont disponibles dans le r�pertoire d'installation de l'extension.

ASP.NET and Web Tools
ASP.NET and Web Tools

Gestionnaire de package NuGet   6.12.2
Gestionnaire de package NuGet dans Visual Studio. Pour plus d'informations sur NuGet, visitez https://docs.nuget.org/

GitHub Copilot est un programmeur de paires d�intelligence artificielle qui vous permet d��crire du code plus rapidement et avec moins de travail.

Microsoft JVM Debugger   1.0
Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

Outils Azure App Service�v3.0.0
Outils Azure App Service�v3.0.0

Outils C#   4.12.0-3.24572.7+dfa7fc6bdea31a858a402168384192b633c811fa
Composants C# utilis�s dans l'IDE. Selon votre type de projet et vos param�tres, une version diff�rente du compilateur peut �tre utilis�e.

Outils TypeScript   17.0.30918.2001
Outils TypeScript pour Microsoft Visual Studio

Outils Visual Basic   4.12.0-3.24572.7+dfa7fc6bdea31a858a402168384192b633c811fa
Composants Visual Basic utilis�s dans l'IDE. Selon votre type de projet et vos param�tres, une version diff�rente du compilateur peut �tre utilis�e.

Visual Assist   10.9.2511.0
For more information about Visual Assist, see the Whole Tomato Software website at http://www.WholeTomato.com. Copyright (c)1997-2023 Whole Tomato Software, LLC

Visual Studio IntelliCode   2.2
D�veloppement assist� par intelligence artificielle pour Visual Studio.

and here are the exported configurations : https://file.io/dhUnlcBzUXwI
feline Posted - Dec 23 2024 : 08:02:34 AM
This is clearly bad.

OK, first step, if you load Visual Studio in safe mode are you able to get the IDE to load? I am assuming this is what you are doing to uninstall VA to try different versions:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /SafeMode

but I need to make sure you can actually get the IDE to open and work before going any further.

Next, can you see if any crash dumps are being generated automatically for the crash. If they are being produced, they should be in:

A mini or even full dump file of the problem would definitely be helpful.

When the crash is happening, is Visual Studio set to automatically load a solution? Is Visual Studio set to open the IDE, but without loading a solution? I would not expect VA to have loaded enough to crash the IDE on the "pick a solution / folder to open" start screen, but its always possible.

I am trying to work out how to set about getting a dump file for the crash.

Another approach, can you please go to IDE Help menu -> About Microsoft Visual Studio

Press the "Copy Info" button and paste the result here. This will list any extensions you have installed, so I can set up a test case with the same extensions, in case that is a factor.

Can you also please load the Visual Studio Installer, and on the VS2022 line press the More pull down button. From this menu can use use "Export configuration". This will save out a text file listing the components of Visual Studio that you have installed. I can use this to install the same components here.

Finally can you please load Visual Studio 2022 and export your IDE settings, via:

IDE tools menu -> Import and Export Settings -> Export selected environment settings

and send me both the exported settings and the IDE configuration file. My goal is to have the same Visual Studio install, with the same settings and list of installed extensions, and see if this will let me reproduce the problems here.
MythTitans Posted - Dec 21 2024 : 07:53:45 AM
Thank you for you answer.

I followed the steps and I get the same error when running the VATest profile, and Visual Studio closes (or crashes ?) right after that.
feline Posted - Dec 20 2024 : 10:15:40 AM
Not a problem I have seen or heard of.

The fact that this is effecting so many versions of VA is really worrying. My first guess is a problem with your default profile / install, but this is just a guess.

To test this, can you please try installing VA into a test profile. To do this, first can you first download the VS2022 specific installer for Visual Assist from:


Next you will need extra details about the IDE install to create a test profile. To get these details, please open a Windows command prompt window, and inside the window run the command:

"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"

There will be a set of lines for each different version of Visual Studio that you have installed. For the version you want to install into, you want the "productPath", "dispalyName" and "installationVersion" lines, e.g.

productPath: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
displayName: Visual Studio Professional 2022
installationVersion: 17.9.34607.119

You can then use the information from these three lines to make sure that the following command has the correct command line parameters. The values are:

/appidname: = displayName:
/appidinstallpath: = productPath:
/skuVersion: = installationVersion:

The "/skuName:" value is one of "Community / Pro / Enterprise", note for the Professional version it is "Pro", not the expected "Professional".

The working command, for VS2022, using the values above, is - split into lines to make it easier to read and edit:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\IDE\VSIXInstaller.exe"
/appidinstallpath:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
/appidname:"Visual Studio Professional 2022"
/rootSuffix:"VATest" "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\VA_X_Setup2537_0_x64.vsix"

The "rootSuffix" is the name of the test profile you want to install to, and this will be created if it does not already exist. The final parameter is the path of the VSIX installer for Visual Assist that you want to install. Once you have the command set up, the only parts you should need to edit are the skuVersion and the path to the VSIX file, can you please close all instances of Visual Studio and run this command.

Running this command installs VA into the test profile, but it does not load the test profile. If you created the test profile by installing VA, when you run the test profile it will be using the default IDE settings, without asking you which settings you want to use.

To now load the test profile you use the command:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /RootSuffix VATest

To load your normal, default profile just load the IDE normally. To return to this test profile again, pass the /RootSuffix command line switch when loading the IDE. You can run both profiles at the same time, next to each other. In VS2019 and VS2022 the profile name will be shown just under the close button, in the top right hand corner of the main IDE window. If you export your IDE settings from your main profile you can them import them into the test profile.

Hopefully this is clear and easy to follow. Does the test profile load successfully with a working VA?

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