T O P I C R E V I E W |
Lim JaeHyung |
Posted - Jun 20 2024 : 06:05:54 AM I was primarily using VS2017 and VA X was using the 2022 version. I never had any problems using it.
I bought VS2022 a few days ago, and I have to use VS2017 and VS2022 together. I also bought a new version of VA X to use with VS2022. (2024.05.31)
I'll leave VS2022 out of the discussion since I don't use it much, and I'm using VS2017, but overall the IDE has become slower, sometimes unresponsive, and finally Visual Studio crashes about once an hour.
I'm 100% sure that this is caused by the new VA X version.
What can I do to help you guys fix this?
I can't believe I paid a lot of money for it and it's having this problem.
For reference, I use C++, I don't use Unreal Engine or anything like that. I'm developing a general security solution using MFC, and the approximate total code count of the project is around 400,000 lines.
29 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
feline |
Posted - Jul 31 2024 : 07:57:34 AM VA 2530 has just been released. The release notes aren't up yet, but this will contain the fix for this very unpleasant crash:
https://www.wholetomato.com/downloads |
feline |
Posted - Jul 30 2024 : 07:09:48 AM aMiCRoDev I have emailed you about this. |
aMiCRoDev |
Posted - Jul 29 2024 : 1:16:52 PM I have exactly the same problem. VS version is 17.10.5 and VA version is 2528. I am not able to have even 5 minutes of VS running while I update C code, and VS crashes.
Good that I found this topic and now I will roll-back to older version (2522). Hope this will fix the problem. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 29 2024 : 07:02:49 AM I have just replied to email case 164779, so if that was you, I have emailed you about this. |
Rasuka |
Posted - Jul 27 2024 : 05:00:12 AM +1, sent yet another dmp just in case. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 23 2024 : 08:14:04 AM We think we have a solution for the crash, which is currently in testing, since the crash seems to have a "random" element to it. Having said that, the people who get the crash clearly get it a lot, and very frequently. |
marianob85 |
Posted - Jul 23 2024 : 05:55:27 AM Same here. Last stable version is 2522. Waiting for update. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 19 2024 : 05:50:56 AM Again apologies. We are working on a fix for this. The fact that we cannot easily reproduce the crash on demand here doesn't help, but there is no doubt that we have a serious problem in this version of VA. |
tobias |
Posted - Jul 19 2024 : 02:34:04 AM And the same for me... Upgraded from 2522 to 2528 in VS2022 17.8.12 yesterday resulting in constant crashes in multiple use cases, really bad for productivity. Not using UE. Reverted back to 2522 now. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 18 2024 : 07:14:58 AM This is the dll that normally shows up when people check for what is going on in this crash. Thankfully we are closing in on the problem, and hope to have a fix soon. |
Alexandre |
Posted - Jul 18 2024 : 04:53:02 AM Hello,
I have same issue since yesterday. I updated my Visual Studio to 17.10.4 and installed VA version 2528. Visual studio is silently crashing more or less every 5 minutes when working on code changes. Looking at Windows event viewer, the faulting module is ntdll.dll. Now that I uninstalled VA, back to normal; no more crashes. I will test 2522 version.
feline |
Posted - Jul 12 2024 : 06:02:45 AM Sounds likely you are running into the same problem. So far going back to VA 2522 is a very reliable fix for this, since this crash seems to be VA 2528 specific. Apologies for this, we are working on the crash, but need to actually identify the root cause. |
GregDude |
Posted - Jul 11 2024 : 8:18:21 PM I'm getting intermittent silent crashes. The VS 2022 solution either closes without warning, sometimes after a few second freeze, or does that and restarts automatically shortly after. I've tried downgrading VS 2022 to v17.10.3. Will now try downgrading VAX to setup VA_X_Setup2522_0. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 04 2024 : 1:37:56 PM Very interesting, many thanks for this! I have added this dump file to the bug report. Having more examples is always helpful with these sorts of problems, as I am sure you know yourself  |
DesertDragon |
Posted - Jul 04 2024 : 09:41:29 AM I google for ldrpdispatchusercalltarget from crash dump and found what this connected to Control Flow Guard exploit protection feature. So i disabled all security settings for devenv.exe as you described in: https://www.wholetomato.com/ru/kb/d/disable-control-flow-guard-cfg-for-visual-studio and got more clear crash dump: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vvogvtmS2kEbbcPaqc05wxMozYiU3oPe/view?usp=sharing It points to heap corruption in operator delete, and i found issue with similar simptoms/callstack on crash: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35155398/error-deleting-stdvector-in-a-dll-using-the-pimpl-idiom Hope it helps you more. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 04 2024 : 07:40:08 AM I have the dump file, many thanks for this! Just looking at it, we have a pattern. This is now the second dump file for VA 2528 crashing, and both dump files are showing an exception in ntdll.dll. The exceptions are different, but the fact that we are having problems in the same location is hopefully a clue. |
DesertDragon |
Posted - Jul 04 2024 : 04:14:38 AM Got minidump by VS debugger: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ks7UozCJNn989xkKMBwWtOqDayFhMPU1/view?usp=sharing I tried to analyse the crash dump myself, but have no va_x64.pdb symbols :) |
Posted - Jul 03 2024 : 1:15:20 PM For what it is worth, myself and a bunch of other colleagues are also crashing constantly with 2528 and the latest VS, 2522 doesn't have the crash. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 03 2024 : 12:25:07 PM I have put in an urgent bug report for this:
someone has sent in a mini dump file, which should help us to figure out what is going on here, but any other dump files would be most welcome. Also if anyone finds any form of pattern for the crash, although I am not sure how likely that is to happen. |
DesertDragon |
Posted - Jul 03 2024 : 08:35:52 AM Looks like there is some instructions to get crash dump: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/Visual-Studio-2022-silently-crashes/10530926?sort=newest |
Scienziatogm |
Posted - Jul 03 2024 : 07:49:45 AM quote: Originally posted by feline
Are you aware of any form of pattern to the crashes? Any hints?
As you can see, you are not the only person reporting this, but the reports are, so far, very few and far between. This suggests it isn't a very common trigger that everyone is running into, but that doesn't really give us any pointers at all.
Obviously I am happy to run tests here, to try and trigger the crash, but I need some idea of what to test. So far no luck with doing lots of renaming and saving files.
A mini dump of the crash would also be very helpful, if anyone is able to capture one. If anyone can capture one and doesn't want to post a download link here, please email me at:
[email protected]
including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up.
I was just using Visual Studio normally with Unreal Engine. Where do I find the crash dumps of Visual Studio? I'll be happy to send them if it can help to fix the issue. |
JBox |
Posted - Jul 03 2024 : 07:42:43 AM I'm using VS 2022, and just installed the latest version of VA yesterday. I am getting crashes at a few different points. Sometimes when I try to open a file, or start typing. I also most recently got one when I tried to right click->Quick Actions and Refactoring->Create Implementation.
Thank you |
feline |
Posted - Jul 03 2024 : 06:41:28 AM Are you aware of any form of pattern to the crashes? Any hints?
As you can see, you are not the only person reporting this, but the reports are, so far, very few and far between. This suggests it isn't a very common trigger that everyone is running into, but that doesn't really give us any pointers at all.
Obviously I am happy to run tests here, to try and trigger the crash, but I need some idea of what to test. So far no luck with doing lots of renaming and saving files.
A mini dump of the crash would also be very helpful, if anyone is able to capture one. If anyone can capture one and doesn't want to post a download link here, please email me at:
[email protected]
including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up. |
Scienziatogm |
Posted - Jul 03 2024 : 05:17:48 AM quote: Originally posted by feline
Scienziatogm which version of the IDE are you using? If you are using VS2022, are you also using a preview version?
DesertDragon I am off to run some tests now in VS2022 preview 2.1, to see if this could be a preview related problem. Thank you for the pattern for what seems to be causing the crash for you, this gives me something specific to test.
I'm using the version 17.10.3. I don't think it's a preview version. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 01 2024 : 10:33:35 AM DesertDragon, can you please try updating your VS2022 preview to version 17.10.0 preview 3.0?
So far I cannot reproduce the crash here, but I am not actually sure which version I am using. The Visual Studio Installer reports that I am using VS2022 17.10.0 preview 2.1, but the Help -> About dialog inside VS2022 reports that I am using VS2022 17.10.0 preview 3.0
To make life easier for you, you can install the latest version of VA into a test profile, so you can see if you are still getting the crash, and hopefully save out a mini dump of the crash as well, without having to change the installed version of VA that you are normally working on.
To do this can you first download the VS2022 specific installer for Visual Assist from:
Next you will need extra details about the IDE install to create a test profile. To get these details, please open a Windows command prompt window, and inside the window run the command:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -prerelease
There will be a set of lines for each different version of Visual Studio that you have installed. For the preview version you want to install into, you want the "productPath", "dispalyName" and "installationVersion" lines, e.g.
productPath: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Preview\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe displayName: Visual Studio Professional 2022 installationVersion: 17.10.34804.81
You can then use the information from these three lines to make sure that the following command has the correct command line parameters. The values are:
/appidname: = displayName: /appidinstallpath: = productPath: /skuVersion: = installationVersion:
The "/skuName:" value is one of "Community / Pro / Enterprise", note for the Professional version it is "Pro", not the expected "Professional".
The working command, for VS2022, using the values above, is - split into lines to make it easier to read and edit:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Preview\Common7\IDE\VSIXInstaller.exe" /appidinstallpath:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Preview\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /skuName:Pro /appidname:"Visual Studio Professional 2022" /skuVersion:17.10.34804.81 /rootSuffix:"VATest" "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\VA_X_Setup2528_0_x64.vsix"
The "rootSuffix" is the name of the test profile you want to install to, and this will be created if it does not already exist. The final parameter is the path of the VSIX installer for Visual Assist that you want to install. Once you have the command set up, the only parts you should need to edit are the skuVersion and the path to the VSIX file, can you please close all instances of Visual Studio and run this command.
Running this command installs VA into the test profile, but it does not load the test profile. If you created the test profile by installing VA, when you run the test profile it will be using the default IDE settings, without asking you which settings you want to use.
To now load the test profile you use the command:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Preview\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /RootSuffix VATest
To load your normal, default profile just load the IDE normally. To return to this test profile again, pass the /RootSuffix command line switch when loading the IDE. You can run both profiles at the same time, next to each other. In VS2019 and VS2022 the profile name will be shown just under the close button, in the top right hand corner of the main IDE window. If you export your IDE settings from your main profile you can them import them into the test profile. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 01 2024 : 07:26:50 AM Scienziatogm which version of the IDE are you using? If you are using VS2022, are you also using a preview version?
DesertDragon I am off to run some tests now in VS2022 preview 2.1, to see if this could be a preview related problem. Thank you for the pattern for what seems to be causing the crash for you, this gives me something specific to test. |
DesertDragon |
Posted - Jun 29 2024 : 5:24:22 PM I also tried version 2528, crashed 4 times in 10 minutes. Mainly after trying to use VA rename and then save all. Returned to 2522, it works stably (VS 17.11.0 Preview 2.1). |
Scienziatogm |
Posted - Jun 29 2024 : 2:18:01 PM I have upgraded to version 2024.5 and I've got the same issue (from what I see it happens when I scroll and open source files randomly), so I have downgraded to version 2024.1. |
feline |
Posted - Jun 20 2024 : 06:24:21 AM Apologies for this problem, obviously this should not be happening, and so far no one else seems to be reporting this, so it isn't a widespread problem. No consolation for you, but it is something we need to check.
First, to get you up and running, if you go into the dialog:
IDE tools menu -> Extensions and Updates...
you can uninstall the latest version of VA from here. Hopefully doing this, and then installing an older version, your previous version if you remember which version it was, will fix this problem, allowing you to work while we study the problem.
You can download older versions of VA from this page:
Next, if you have the time, can you please try the following steps to install the latest version of VA for VS2017 into a test profile. It is possible this problem is profile specific, in which case the problem simply won't turn up in the test profile. But if the problem does turn up in the test profile, then this gives us a way of running some tests without asking you to constantly change the installed version of Visual Assist.
To set up the test profile can you first download the IDE specific installer for VA from:
Next you will need extra details about the IDE install to create a test profile. To get these details, please open a Windows command prompt window, and inside the window run the command:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
There will be a set of lines for each different version of Visual Studio that you have installed. For the version you want to install into, you want the "productPath", "dispalyName" and "installationVersion" lines, e.g.
productPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe displayName: Visual Studio Professional 2017 installationVersion: 15.9.34601.69
You can then use the information from these three lines to make sure that the following command has the correct command line parameters. The values are:
/appidname: = displayName: /appidinstallpath: = productPath: /skuVersion: = installationVersion:
The "/skuName:" value is one of "Community / Pro / Enterprise", note for the Professional version it is "Pro", not the expected "Professional".
The working command, for VS2017, using the values above, is - split into lines to make it easier to read and edit:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\VSIXInstaller.exe" /appidinstallpath:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /skuName:Pro /appidname:"Visual Studio Professional 2017" /skuVersion:15.9.34601.69 /rootSuffix:"VATest" "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\VA_X_Setup2522_0.vsix"
The "rootSuffix" is the name of the test profile you want to install to, and this will be created if it does not already exist. The final parameter is the path of the VSIX installer for Visual Assist that you want to install. Once you have the command set up, the only parts you should need to edit are the skuVersion and the path to the VSIX file, can you please close all instances of Visual Studio and run this command.
Running this command installs VA into the test profile, but it does not load the test profile. If you created the test profile by installing VA, when you run the test profile it will be using the default IDE settings, without asking you which settings you want to use.
To now load the test profile you use the command:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /RootSuffix VATest
To load your normal, default profile just load the IDE normally. To return to this test profile again, pass the /RootSuffix command line switch when loading the IDE. You can run both profiles at the same time, next to each other. In VS2019 and VS2022 the profile name will be shown just under the close button, in the top right hand corner of the main IDE window. If you export your IDE settings from your main profile you can them import them into the test profile. |