T O P I C R E V I E W |
Uniwares |
Posted - Jul 08 2022 : 09:00:52 AM Think this has been reported already but I didnt find any references, so here it is:

Some are correct, some are not at all, some are halfways through. |
13 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
feline |
Posted - Jul 14 2022 : 11:44:56 AM Please remember that most people will never report the bugs they run into, even really major bugs. They just ignore them or uninstall, and we never learn about them. So having you report a pile of problems can be frustrating, its also REALLY important!
What is so frustrating here is that the bug had a clearly defined set of conditions, and a really simple work around. Installing different versions of Visual Studio 2022 takes a while, and a little bit of interaction, but to find the bug has changed, even with the recorded versions of the IDE and VA is frustrating. It makes me wonder if the original bug report was wrong, and since I put that in I hope not, but it does happen. |
Uniwares |
Posted - Jul 14 2022 : 11:41:14 AM Sometimes I feel like am throwing the wrench into the gearbox [;(] |
feline |
Posted - Jul 14 2022 : 11:27:23 AM Well that was deeply frustrating, multiple machines, different versions of Visual Studio and Visual Assist, and I cannot get the tooltips to appear in VS2022 at all. It looks like the known bug has gotten worse, even when using the older versions of both Visual Studio and Visual Assist, so I am not sure what the trigger there is:
case=146411 |
feline |
Posted - Jul 13 2022 : 12:05:02 PM I believe we are extending the tooltip, not replacing it completely with our own tooltip, which is probably why the way the IDE wants this to work is a factor.
Ah, yes, the C++ option would not help for C#. I am tempted to say there has to be some way of triggering a symbol database rebuild for C#, but I don't see one, so maybe the C++ database rebuild would help here. Or maybe you are never supposed to need to try this.
I am seeing problems with tooltips for braces as well, I need to run some tests here. There is a known bug, but that should only show up when you have disabled IDE intellisense. It is almost as if something has changed in a recent version of VS2022, which will take a bit of checking. |
Uniwares |
Posted - Jul 13 2022 : 06:44:18 AM quote: Originally posted by Uniwares
Turns out, that half-a** coloring is from the IDE.
I just now checked in VS2022, the coloring is correct there. So it seems that VS2017 IDE rendering problem is past (didnt check 2019 though).
But, there is something very concerning happening here: under VS2022 with "Show tooltips for braces" enabled, I dont get ANY tooltip at all now when hovering over a brace. Turning it off, shows me the default IDE tooltip (correctly colored). Tested under Win7 and Win10, VS2022 17.2.5 and 17.2.6 |
Uniwares |
Posted - Jul 13 2022 : 05:53:10 AM quote: Originally posted by feline
IDE tools menu -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Recreate Database = True
Its C# here, so I guess that has no effect at all. |
Uniwares |
Posted - Jul 13 2022 : 05:51:09 AM What I dont understand in this context: the part that is added by VA (// context: ...) is not really controlled by the IDE and thus (in my opinion) should be under control of VA, so why does it use the default VA colors instead of the configured VA colors? Not talking about the first line which is rendered by the IDE. |
feline |
Posted - Jul 13 2022 : 05:22:02 AM Given we cannot really use the colours you have set, it makes sense that VA doesn't try to replace IDE colouring in the tooltip. You might want to try setting:
IDE tools menu -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Recreate Database = True
and restarting the IDE, it is possible this will help, assuming this is something to do with the IDE's symbol database, and not an inability to colour tooltips correctly. |
Uniwares |
Posted - Jul 12 2022 : 09:14:16 AM Turns out, that half-a** coloring is from the IDE. VA just adds and colors the additional info but not whats already on the tooltip. So it comes down to:

feline |
Posted - Jul 12 2022 : 09:08:16 AM Yes, you get the default colours, the IDE really doesn't like the idea of letting us use the colours you have actually defined when applying colouring to tooltips:
The fact that the first line doesn't change when you enable VA's colouring suggests that the partial colouring on the first line isn't coming from VA. If you disable VA via:
VAssistX -> Enable/Disable Visual Assist X
does this have any effect on the colouring of the first line? It isn't a 100% conclusive test, but its a fairly good test, and it is fast.
If you really want to know if VA is having an effect on the first line you would need to go to the dialog:
IDE tools menu -> Extensions and Updates...
and Disable Visual Assist in the list of installed extensions, which will require an IDE restart to take effect. It will require another IDE restart to enable VA again. |
Uniwares |
Posted - Jul 11 2022 : 10:57:08 AM Just now I realized that with tooltip coloring on, the colors correspond to the VA default colors and not to the currently configured colors for the elements. Might be worth noting. |
Uniwares |
Posted - Jul 11 2022 : 08:30:42 AM Stable. Seeing this in VS2017, and tooltip coloring is actually off. When turning it on, the only difference is that the context part is colored CORRECTLY. The first line of the tooltip does coloring only on type names, strings and keywords it seems.
With tooltip coloring on:

feline |
Posted - Jul 11 2022 : 06:40:20 AM Which IDE are you using here?
Assuming this is reliable, which is a significant assumption, sad to say, what effect, if any, does turning Off:
VA Options -> Coloring and Attributes -> Apply coloring to -> Tooltips
That really is strange, I am trying to think of a sensible theory for why colouring would stop part way through the first line, but nothing is coming to mind yet. |