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 smart select is broken inside macro-based scopes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
slymz Posted - Mar 04 2021 : 10:24:39 PM

TEST( A, B ) {
   // inside of this scope Smart Select is broken

These are test point macros in Google Test. Valid code.

Here is a gif. First, starts by showing expected behavior with "Alt+[". Last frame is a single hit to "Alt+[" selecting entire file.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Mar 08 2021 : 06:28:38 AM
The "obvious" work around didn't work, either due to the nature of the Google test macros, or how VA handles them. I will try some more experiments, and see what I find.

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slymz Posted - Mar 05 2021 : 1:08:09 PM
Thanks Feline, and opening up a case. I'll keep my eye peeled, and please do let know if you need any further info.

Unrelated to this, this forum does not allow image attachments bigger than 100K. It was a bit of a pain to cut down the size of the gif just so that I could attach here.
feline Posted - Mar 05 2021 : 11:36:15 AM
I am seeing the same effect here when testing with Google test macros. Thank you for the clear description.

feline Posted - Mar 05 2021 : 10:12:33 AM
Can you please check and see if you get the same problem with this code sample:

#define MACRO_FUNCTION_NAME(funcName, paramList) void funcName(paramList)

MACRO_FUNCTION_NAME(SmartSelectFails, int nSize)
	int nEvenTotal = 0;
	for(int nCounter = 0; nCounter < nSize; ++nCounter)
		if(0 == (nCounter % 2))
			nEvenTotal += nCounter;

I am not seeing any problems here with this, so its possible the problem is related to Google Test macros. I am checking that now.

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