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 Visual Studio 2017 open a lot of windows

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yatagarasu Posted - May 24 2017 : 06:17:27 AM
Some strange bug happen sometimes. Visual Studio 2017 freeze for some time and then open a lot of windows without any reason - thus spamming view history and moving cursor to some completely unrelated document.

Not sure if it is caused by Visual Assist or a VS 2017 bug. But it looks like that happen when VA loads. Can anybody confirm such bug? Any possible fix?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - May 29 2017 : 07:48:44 AM
Thank you for the update, I am glad you have found a solution to this. The list of open documents when you re-load a solution is indeed something the IDE does independently of VA, so VA should not be a factor here.
yatagarasu Posted - May 27 2017 : 11:19:54 AM
Yes, many documents from my solution are opened. But looks like that is not a VA problem. Fixed by deleting .suo file.
feline Posted - May 24 2017 : 08:04:13 AM
I don't recognise this description. When you say a "lot of windows" do you mean a lot of files from your current solution are being opened, or do you mean other types of windows are being opened?

When is the freeze happening? When you load the IDE? When you open a solution? At some other time?

The IDE is in charge of re-opening the open files from your document when you reload a solution, so it would be interesting to know if disabling VA in the:

IDE tools menu -> Extensions and Updates...

dialog has any effect on this behaviour.

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