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 VAX "forgets" syntax coloring colors on VS restart

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Magentus Posted - Jan 04 2011 : 2:44:16 PM

VAX seems to forget to apply my choice of syntax highlighting colors when I close and re-open Visual Studio. I say it forgets to apply because when I open the Fonts and Colors tab in VAX Options, the colors I chose are still selected, but the code is displayed with default VAX colors (not the background though - this makes sense as the main background color is selected through VS font color settings).

This is particularly annoying because I use an "inverse" color scheme, one with black background, yellow variables, etc. With default code colors on black background the whole thing just looks gross so I then have to go into VAX Options, change one of the colors, e.g. the one for classes, and press OK (pressing Apply has no effect). This changes the color scheme to one similar to mine, because to get the exact colors I want I have to go back to Font and Colors again and change that classes color back to the one I had originally selected. To finally get my color scheme back I need to bring up and change Options twice.

This is what the code looks like with default colors and black background:

Here is my color scheme:

This is what the code looks like after I've updated the font and color options (twice):

I'm running VAX 10.6.1833.0 with Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit.

Any help would be appreciated,
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Jan 25 2012 : 10:33:27 PM
glorindel I have replied to your thread about this here:

glorindel Posted - Jan 25 2012 : 12:18:00 PM
@randybravo2: I'm not sure, but I might be having related issues, also with 64-bit Win7 and VS2010.

Color settings are incorrect when I start VS2010 with either no solution loaded, or a solution with an empty workspace (no source files open). When I open a file, the wrong color settings are used (those from VS, not from VAssist). The colors appear correct in the VAssist colors dialog, but no amount of changing the colors or enabling/disabling highlighting will fix the problem. The only solution is to close VS2010 with source files open in the workspace, then re-open VS2010. The same source files will appear in the workspace, and the proper colors are then used.
randybravo2 Posted - Jan 23 2012 : 7:17:02 PM
Originally posted by feline

Nigel this FAQ should help you with your identifier background colour problem:


Naw, that totally did not work. I had to re-import my colors from a saved settings file.
Masaz Posted - Mar 17 2011 : 10:21:53 AM
I thought this was a bug with VAX too but it happened even when VAX wasn't installed. I submitted a bug on it last year but it was closed because we couldn't reliably reproduce it. If anyone knows a way to reliably reproduce this issue then please comment here.

Magentus Posted - Feb 17 2011 : 2:02:10 PM
@support & @accord:
I've just installed build 1842 and the problem is gone. Thanks!
feline Posted - Feb 10 2011 : 11:26:09 AM
You may find going into the IDE Options dialog box, Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors node, and then just accepting the IDE options dialog box with OK helps.

Opening this dialog can be required before the IDE actually notices the new colour items that VA has installed, and if the IDE is not noticing them they don't always work as reliably as they should.
JonnyOThan Posted - Feb 09 2011 : 4:30:12 PM
This just happened to me. I don't have the EMACs emulation plugin, but I do use the "highlight references under cursor" feature. My background color is default.

VAX 1842, VS 2010 (10.0.30319.341), Win 7 x64.

I've launched & closed VS2008 a few times too. I've never seen this issue in VS2008.

I had changed my "variables" color to Black instead of Blue. After a couple VS restarts I noticed my variables were blue again. I opened the VAX dialog, and sure enough it's still set to black. Clicking on black again and then clicking apply had no effect. The following steps worked (for this instance of vs2010):
-choose a different color (e.g. red)
-click apply & close (red is now used)
-reopen dialog
-change to black
-apply & close
feline Posted - Feb 08 2011 : 2:49:41 PM
Can you ask and see if:

VA Options -> Advanced -> Refactoring -> Automatically highlight references to symbol under cursor

is turned on please. It sounds like this might be the trigger, especially if the IDE is configured to highlight with the wrong colour scheme.

This setting uses the same foreground and background colours as Highlight references, just above this check box in the VA options dialog.
BillInPA Posted - Feb 07 2011 : 10:08:27 AM
One of my co workers is having the same problem
He uses a black background
When he clicks on a word, that and all the matching words on the display go to black on black
Its un useable, he has to disable vis assist - just loaded the latest build, 1842
win7, vs 2010, c++
support Posted - Jan 24 2011 : 4:12:45 PM
case=54050 is fixed in build 1840
Magentus Posted - Jan 11 2011 : 8:49:33 PM
Great, thanks!
accord Posted - Jan 11 2011 : 5:53:26 PM
I was able to reproduce your problem and put in a bug report for this:


The problem is caused by Emacs emulation. For now, you can disable this plug-in, as a workaround. (Tools -> Extension Manager...) This is a stupid workaround, I know. Alternatively, you can set the background to white. Didn't find better one, we will post if we find something.
Magentus Posted - Jan 10 2011 : 1:34:46 PM
AnkhSVN - Subversion Support for Visual Studio 2.1.10019.14
EmacsEmulations 1.0
Axialis IconWorkshop addin for Visual Studio
NworbLegin Posted - Jan 10 2011 : 04:55:51 AM
Thanks feline, but I've already tried that and I've still got Identifiers with white backgrounds when the normal text background is black.

Any more suggestions?



Originally posted by feline

Nigel this FAQ should help you with your identifier background colour problem:


accord Posted - Jan 07 2011 : 7:59:00 PM
Are you using any other Visual Studio Add-in or Extension?
Magentus Posted - Jan 06 2011 : 5:23:38 PM
Yes, changing VAX colors in VS's Options dlg does come in effect after pressing OK. However, the problem remains: After closing VS and restarting it, default VAX colors are shown. The interesting thing is that when at that point I open VAX Options dlg and look at Fonts & Colors, the color-picker combo boxes show my selection of colors, they just don't seem to be used when code is initially displayed.
accord Posted - Jan 05 2011 : 8:40:22 PM
Interesting. I wasn't able to reproduce the problem using your settings.
What happens, if you change the color of "VA X Variable", "VA X Class", etc. in Fonts and Colors of Visual Studio's Options dialog? Does it change the colors in the editor after you press the OK button? Does the colors you set here persist after you restart Visual Studio?
Magentus Posted - Jan 05 2011 : 1:41:56 PM
Exported VS and VAX settings submitted.
Magentus Posted - Jan 05 2011 : 1:38:07 PM
Hi accord, thanks for your feedback.

I've tried disabling VAX and then re-enabling it (with restarting VS after each step). When VAX is disabled I get my customized set of VS colors which looks like this:

After VAX is re-enabled, the syntax highlighting colors are reset:

I then change them to my own preferred set of colors, as shown in my original post. After restarting VS I see this:

So disabling and re-enabling VAX doesn't seem to work.

Resetting VS colors back to defaults gives me this:

I then tweak the VS colors (I see I can change VAX colors through "Tools -> Options... -> Environment -> Fonts and colors") and see this:

I restart VS and get the old annoying combination:

I've exported my VS and VAX settings and will be sending them to you shortly.

feline Posted - Jan 05 2011 : 11:32:39 AM
Nigel this FAQ should help you with your identifier background colour problem:

NworbLegin Posted - Jan 05 2011 : 09:31:35 AM
I'm running VS2008 SP1 with VAX 10.6.1837.0 and I'm getting a similar problem - although for me it is a problem that all 'Identifiers' have a white background - even though I've specified a black background in the VS Options. This works fine unless I turn on VAX. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.


accord Posted - Jan 04 2011 : 8:03:43 PM
If it only happens with VA enabled, then can you please send your VA and VS settings to us?

VA Options -> Performance -> Export Settings

IDE tools menu -> Import and Export Settings -> Export selected environment settings

So I can import them here to see what's happening. You can use this form:


to send the files. Please include the URL of this topic in the description field so we can match it up.
accord Posted - Jan 04 2011 : 7:55:07 PM
Does it happens if you disable Visual Assist temporarily via the following option?

Tools -> Extension Manager... -> Visual Assist X -> Disable

To re-enable VA use the same method:
Tools -> Extension Manager... -> Visual Assist X -> Enable

(I saw once a problem like this and it did happen even without Visual Assist.)
If it happens without VA, the solution may lie in resetting VS settings:

Resetting the colors
Tools -> Options... -> Environment -> Fonts and colors -> Use defaults

Resetting all settings

Tools -> Import and Export Settings... -> Reset all Settings

One of them should help.

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