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 C# enum completion

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
znakeeye Posted - Mar 08 2010 : 09:34:58 AM
Consider this line of code:
new FileStream(filename, FileMode.CreateNew);

After typing the comma I would expect VAX to produce this:
new FileStream(filename, FileMode.|)

Of course, this would only be possible if there are no overloads with a different second parameter.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Feb 24 2015 : 11:55:13 PM
The default suggestion should be the enum type, so you can simply accept it if that is what you want. In this situation, if the enum type is inserted by default then you have to delete it when you want to use a function call or variable as the second parameter.
tomicrow Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 01:53:27 AM
Check this one....a complete tutorial on Enum


feline Posted - Mar 08 2010 : 1:58:52 PM
In this situation after typing the comma and a space VA should suggest the enum type, but it should not insert it. You might be passing an enum item, but you might be passing a local variable, function return type, or something else.

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