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 Problems with russian charset

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Jan3A1r Posted - Apr 07 2009 : 12:30:52 PM

I'm using the latest stable version of Visual Assist X on Visual Studio 2008 Professional (No Service Pack, English). The problem I have encountered only affects the VA Outline window, but I use it a lot and find this bug annoying.

So, if the comments are written in Cyrillic, they are rendered wrong (see the screenshot). Here, on the left, in the main window, the comments are written properly, and you can see how they look in VA Outline window. I'm not sure if there is a "magic" Visual Assist X, or Visual Studio setting, googled it a lot and tried different settings but I didn't have any result. Hope you can help me.


Here is the screenshot:

VA_X.dll 10.5.1715
Visual Studio 2008 Professional English (No SP).
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChrisG Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 3:06:55 PM
You might try setting your system locale to your native language, that helps with many of the issues.

The process is slightly different for different versions of Windows.

For Windows 10 you can:
- type "region" into the search tab and press enter
- in new window select "administrative"
- click on "change system locale"
- select the language

Hope this helps you.
jungle_mole Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 2:54:02 PM
writing to you from faraway 2016!

more than 7 years passed, still no progress.
i understand that it is "slow process" as you said. and i see that it is slow.

registered just to say it's funny.
feline Posted - May 01 2010 : 11:46:50 AM
Changing the font might help. In some IDE's I believe the font used is the windows global font for Icon text. Different IDE's seem to have different rules for which system font they use for these windows, and VA tries to follow the IDE convention.

We are working to improve Unicode support in VA, but it is not easy.
dnv_777 Posted - Apr 30 2010 : 04:25:53 AM
Still waiting for resolving this problem. Where can I substitute default VA font? May be some russian font will work properly?
feline Posted - May 06 2009 : 2:13:30 PM
There are no current plans to stop supporting VC6, but it will no doubt happen eventually.

We are working on Unicode support, we just need to add it without breaking anything in the process.
tandr Posted - May 05 2009 : 6:14:06 PM
I am sure VC6 is still very popular choice around, but it is getting quite old. May I suggest you guys split VC6 and the rest of supported platforms into separate code streams or plug-ins?

(just my 2 kopeiki :) )
feline Posted - May 04 2009 : 3:23:07 PM
Unfortunately no updates yet. We are working to improve Unicode support in VA, but we need to do so without breaking VC6 support, which makes it tricky.
Jan3A1r Posted - May 03 2009 : 08:45:27 AM
Any update with this problem?
feline Posted - Apr 07 2009 : 5:31:16 PM
The problem in the screen shot is with VA its self, not Visual Studio. The VA Outline window is entirely created by VA, not the IDE.
Jan3A1r Posted - Apr 07 2009 : 5:24:58 PM
Thanks for fast answering... Hope this issue will be solved, for now I think I should write comments in English... Not a big problem though... :)

Is it possible, that earlier versions of Visual Studio (2005) don't have this unicode compatibility issue?
feline Posted - Apr 07 2009 : 4:40:44 PM
I am seeing the same effect here. Thank you for the clear description.


Unfortunately this is currently a known problem. VA has some problems with Unicode / extended characters. We are working to improve support, but it is a slow process.

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