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 Bug: incorrect auto-insert text for function parms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bressler Posted - Jul 20 2006 : 5:08:25 PM
VA Assist X 10.2.1446.0
Visual Studio 2005 Team Ed for S/W Archs, us-en, 8.0.50727.42

The suggested auto-insert text for a C++ function parameter list is wrong if the function includes stack objects as default parameters.

Here's the function declaration in the .h file:

class Path
   void addZoomSegment(double s, double e, const Ease& easeIn = Ease(), const Ease& easeOut = Ease());
Ease is an object. The easeIn and easeOut parameters use default-constructor instances of the Ease object as their default vaules.

When you type the following into the .cpp file:

void Path::addZoomSegment(
the suggestion in the tooltip is:

double s, double e, const Ease& easeIn /* = Ease */
And if this suggestion is accepted exactly that code is inserted.

The "()" after the Ease initializer are missing. and the easeOut parameter is left out completely. Other subsequent parameters, if they existed, would also be missing.

The expected suggestion would be the following:

double s, double e, const Ease& easeIn /* = Ease() */, const Ease& easeOut /* = Ease() */
Probable Cause
The code that tries to collect the rest of the parameters probably got confused by the "()" after the first Ease object. But I'll leave it you guys to figure out what's really wrong :-)

Microsoft, Inc.
VA user since VS6

VA_X.dll file version 10.2.1446.0 built 2006.05.31
Licensed to:
VA X: [email protected] (1-user license) Support ends 2006.06.27 (eek!)
VA.NET 7.1: [email protected] (1-user license)
VAOpsWin.dll version
VATE.dll version
DevEnv.exe version 8.0.50727.42
msenv.dll version 8.0.50727.42
Font: ProFontWindows 11(Pixels)
Comctl32.dll version 6.0.2900.2180
WindowsNT 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
4 processors
Platform: Win32
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Sep 26 2013 : 5:25:18 PM
Unfortunately this bug took longer to fix than we would have liked, but we have quite a lot of feature requests and bug reports, and working out where to focus is always a balancing act.

I am glad you still use VA and find it a helpful tool
bressler Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 5:41:38 PM
Originally posted by support

case=1771 is fixed in build 2001.

Wow! You fixed a bug I reported in 2006! I'm impressed.

Fortunately for me, I'm no longer primarily coding C++/Win32 anymore. But I still use VA nearly every day and I do appreciate that you fixed this bug.

support Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 4:36:16 PM
case=1771 is fixed in build 2001.
feline Posted - Jul 22 2006 : 5:01:21 PM
interesting. using the current beta 1530 if i use the refactoring Create Implementation then i do not have this problem, but if i manually type the function body (look of horror ) then i see this problem.


if you are prepared to try the beta, you can use Create Implementation to avoid this.

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