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 auto types and structured bindings

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
playdeadjakob Posted - Jan 28 2022 : 03:38:04 AM
What is the ETA on structured bindings? It's really annoying to look at red squigglies and not have any autocomplete.

Your parser also seems to have issues finding the correct type when using auto in UE4.
I mostly use it in loops (auto& var : container), where it would be really useful to not have to spell out the type.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Feb 11 2022 : 08:43:22 AM
I have noted your interest, thank you for letting us know this is something you are looking for:

barto Posted - Feb 10 2022 : 11:09:47 AM
feline Posted - Jan 28 2022 : 09:42:02 AM
Unfortunately I don't currently have an estimate for this, but it is down as a high priority issue that we want to get to very soon. Also knowing that you are running into this issue is important, since this helps us to prioritise which things to work on next.

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