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 Code Inspection - Apply Fix no-op copyright char

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mintonla Posted - Jan 21 2022 : 11:01:54 AM
Having a copyright character in a comment at the top of a file causes Apply Fix to be a no-op. For example:

/* Copyright � xxx */

Removing the character changes some of the line numbers of found issues. If I remove the character, reparse, and Apply All, then still might not apply. But if I save the file, reparse, and Apply All, then it does work.

Running 10.92440.0, VS2019.
Thanks, Larry
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Jan 25 2022 : 11:50:24 AM
I have the files, thank you, currently trying to make sense of this. The copyright character triggers the bug in your solution, but it does not trigger the bug outside of your solution. So there is something else at work here.

mintonla Posted - Jan 25 2022 : 09:23:08 AM
email sent - "repro case for Apply Fix no-op"
feline Posted - Jan 24 2022 : 06:24:30 AM
Do you have a simple file that shows this problem on demand that you could send to me, as a zip file? If so, please send me the file via email:

[email protected]

including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up.

So far I cannot reproduce the problem here, so I am wondering if file encoding is a factor. I was looking at a bug report recently where having a non standard ASCII character in the file caused some odd results with Code Inspection. The character compiled file in Visual Studio, but produced warnings or even errors in Clang, which we use for Code Inspection. So I am wondering if something similar is going on here.

I am using the same IDE and version of VA, and testing in a file with lots of points being picked up by Code Inspection, with the comment near the top of the file, so this should be a solid test case.

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